HM – E-Harmony Profile

Another post? Why not? The following is my personality profile from

By analyzing your answers to the Relationship Questionnaire we have created the following Personality Profile. Everyone has a set of subconscious wants and desires that drive their choices and attitudes. By asking you questions about a wide range of emotional issues, this report has established general patterns in your values.

Some of the following information may seem inaccurate or incomplete. Remember, that this profile is a snapshot of your personality at a specific moment. It is not intended as an in-depth analysis of your complete being, but as a tool to aid in self-discovery.

  • Others showing genuine sincerity and acceptance impress you. You do not like a shallow expression of feelings or thoughtlessness of others. You will get along with most people you meet because you don’t cause hostility.
  • Others may see you as disciplined and self-controlled. You have seen the problems of being overly optimistic when planning to depend on others following through.
  • Because of your thoughtful nature, you need others to express sincere interest in you or the relationship. This offers the secure feeling that you seek.
  • You usually assume a cautious and reserved demeanor when meeting new people. Your relationships must grow naturally and in sincere ways. You will not confide in others readily because of your need for security.
  • You may be a matter-of-fact person who may be critical of the shortcomings of others who display a more emotional or outgoing side.
  • During times of stress or tension, you may withdraw inside yourself and appear as somewhat cool and aloof. You need to be alone when thinking through projects, problems or solutions.

Each person has a unique way of communicating. We use a combination of body language, facial expression, verbal tone and word choice to share ourselves with others. The following statements offer a look at the natural behavior you bring to an interpersonal relationship.

  • You tend to listen rather than talk. You may place a premium on display of emotions. As a result, “reading” you at times may be difficult.
  • You are usually astute in social situations because you take little at face value, will listen carefully and accurately, and will watch others carefully.
  • You may want to base relationships on a nonemotional respect for each other’s abilities, and base your level of trust on directness and straightforwardness.
  • Some people may inaccurately perceive you as not liking people. You may be misread by others, because you approach social situations with logic and objectivity, judging others by their competence–you may sometimes be misread by others.
  • You attempt to influence others not by showing great emotion, but by appealing to the logical nature of people. Those who are more emotional and excitable may sometimes ignore your approach.
  • You may be somewhat reticent and retiring when with others, especially in a large group. As others grow louder, you may become quieter. You value control of emotions, and are more reflective than rowdy.
  • Because of your need to be quiet rather than rambling, you are somewhat introspective about events and activities. You may not communicate readily and rapidly with others, but this does not mean you don’t support others.

Many different factors determine the communication styles with which you are most comfortable. Some individuals thrive on the challenge of pointed criticism, while others are at their best in a nurturing environment where criticism is offered as a suggestion for improvement. Each of us has a unique set of requirements and preferences. Below is a list of communication styles that will mesh well with your own. Having a partner who understands and practices these traits is important to your long-term happiness.

  • Motivate and persuade by referring to objectives and RESULTS.
  • Use a logical and unemotional approach.
  • Be on time.
  • Use a tone of voice that shows sincerity.
  • Provide options, rather than opinions.
  • Be brief, clear and to the point.
  • Prepare for demanding questions, and perhaps objections.
  • Provide time to analyze the data before making a decision.
  • Take issue with the facts, not the person, if you disagree.
  • Ask specific questions–preferably “WHAT” questions.
  • Be ready at the exact time.
  • Respect quiet demeanor.

Following are some of the specific strengths and/or personal characteristics that you bring to a relationship. These may form the foundations of many of your friendships and dealings with other people. Some will seem obvious, but you may be surprised by others. Take a moment to reflect on each and consider what role it may have played in your past successes, and even failures.

  • You like to initiate new activities.
  • You generally don’t like to back away from a challenge.
  • You enjoy situations where you can demonstrate your skill or mastery of a subject.
  • You don’t tend to get distracted by superficial issues.
  • You are good at “troubleshooting” potential problems in a relationship.
  • You like to analyze problems and discuss their possible solutions before taking action.
  • You tend to be tenacious about solving problems, not liking to give up until something is resolved.
  • You place a high value on being direct and honest when expressing thoughts and feelings.

In general, human beings are defined by their needs and individuals by their wants. Your emotional wants are especially important when establishing with whom you are compatible. While answering the Relationship Questionnaire you established a pattern of basic, subconscious wants. This section of the report was produced by analyzing those patterns. Our wants change as we mature and obtain our life goals. You may find it valuable to revisit this section periodically to see how your wants have changed.

You may want:

  • Respect among peers and friends for your quiet manner.
  • Straight talk and straight dealing.
  • Recognition for your concern for quality relationships.
  • Things done “right” the first time.
  • Time away occasionally–you value your privacy.
  • Better planning for change in the future.
  • No flattery or shallow praise.
  • A supportive environment where you do not have to display great emotion.
  • Objectivity and logic in relationships and activities.
  • Security and safety procedures around the house: fire safety, smoke detectors, electronic security systems, etc.

Insertesting… for the most part i must say i can’t disagree… but then theres the stuff on being quiet that i just don’t get…

although… i don’t know, it seems that i’m rather quiet in certain situations… hmm…

Added January 23, 2017
I am absolutely NOT reading through this. Just wanted to say that I have no memory of it and would like to move on.