L&T of Skyler B – 3 of 5 of 5

Keep this sucker goin‘, eh? This time I’ll do video games. Keeping in mind that some of these aren’t going to be huge titles that you’ll have heard from, rest assured I play enough Half-Lifes and Final Fantasy games. I just figured I’d try to tell you about some games you maybe haven’t heard of. So:

5 Video Games You Should Probably Own

1) Parasite Eve

Squaresoft (before they became SquareEnix) put out this game, which was supposed to be the “cinematic RPG” and… well, it was. It featured plenty of CG and a film-like plot that made it feel like a big-budget science fiction/horror film, which rocked.

Dealing with enough medical mumbo-jumbo to make people’s heads hurt, PE’s plot involved mitochondria, tiny organisms that live inside each and every one of the cells in our body. And they’re under the power of an evil woman.

It mixed RPG elements with horror scenes much akin to the Resident Evil series. Also, as you can see in the video below… mutated rats and creepy women! Speaking of that video, its the intro to the game and I used to watch it over-and-over when I first got this game… Yeah, I had no semblance of a sane childhood.

(sorry, video ain’t workin’ right. here’s the link:)

People on fire, people melting, explosions, and giant freaky baby monsters with wings. Its a sure-fire winner.

2) Beyond Good & Evil

This is not a game about Nietzsche philosophy. Instead, its a game about a girl with a big stick and a camera.
Dealing with propaganda, journalism, and… well, aliens, BG&E is a very underrated Zelda-esque adventure game with enough heart and plot to win awards. Of course, no one played it and it died quickly and silently… but! It has a space whale! A SPACE WHALE!
Its short but sweet. And has really good animation. I’d give it a shot. You can get it for real cheap.
3) Silent Hill 2

This is one that maybe you’ve heard of, if not simply because there was a Silent Hill film a few years back that you may have seen.
This game will scare the poo out of you, no doubt. It is all about atmosphere and ambiance. Sound effects such as metal clangs and radio static will never be the same after you play this frightening and psychologically terrifying game.
Its long, its dark, and its got Pyramid Heads. You’ll know what I mean when you see them (or if you saw the movie… Yes, THOSE things!)
Without a doubt, this is the scariest story told in film or video game format that I’ve ever experienced. …’cept for maybe 28 Weeks Later, but that was less ‘scary’ and more ‘really bad.’
4) Shadow of the Colossus
Basically you go around and fight things that are THIS BIG:
5) Xenosaga series
There are three games in this series, each one more crazy than the last. Its an RPG about space-faring humans trying to solve the riddles of the universe. And also about strange lesbian relationships between an android woman and her designer. And life and death. But mostly about the lesbianism.
Deep rooted in philosophy (enough to make up for Beyond Good & Evil’s distinct lack of it), psychology, science fiction, and… well… Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalen… these games are beautifully organized and fun to play, so long as you’ve got money for all three and don’t mind some serious religious overtones from time to time.
Two more days of this then I’m done. WOO-HOO!
See you tomorrow!

Added November 9, 2017
Phew! Finally got a new archival post added and the editing on it is a doozy! Can’t wait to see how this one turns out.
I’d recommend replacing the Xenosaga series with something like Undertale or Binding of Isaac (likely Isaac) and this makes a solid list of lesser known gems.

L&T of Skyler B – 2 of 5 of 5

To continue the trend (why I can’t I be this productive when its not ‘down to the wire’?) I have selected five books to talk at you about. I will also tell you that you should buy them all based on the covers I will provide you with. Get your debit cards ready (and hold on to them, for the love of God. I’ve either lost or destroyed enough of my own in the past month to know to KEEP. AN. EYE. ON. THEM.), and here we go:

5 Books You Should Buy and Read Because I Said So
1) “The Time Traveler’s Wife”
Audrey Niffenegger

This is a romance story. I’m ok sharing this with you. This is because this is a lovely tale of love lost to time (literally). The author weaves an elaborate tale of multiple versions of the main two characters (the lovers) as the male lead goes back and forth through time. It kind of sounds confusing, but let me break it down.

The male lead, Henry, can’t control when he’ll go back or where he’ll go back to, just that it will connect, somehow, to his wife Clare’s past. He will never go in any kind of chronological order and will only ever be confused as he tries to piece his own past with his wife together.

It is split up with time stamps so you know when in the timeline of the story it is taking place, and lets you know from whose perspective you are reading at all times. It is fascinating and fun to read this, because you are thrown about time nonstop yet have markers to help you find your place in the characters’ history. The only downside is it takes a long while to get through. But you won’t care.

There are few books about time travel and love that make me cry at the conclusion, but this one did. The ending had everything it needed and just a bit more. Read it because you like time travel. You know you do.

2) “Syrup”
Max(x) Barry

If I was going to die and I had to take one work of “slick fiction” with me to Hell… It would be Syrup. This book alone got me interested in writing, marketing, and being awesome. It is also a back stab story and has tons of cool word choice, and the way the book is split up into mini-sections within chapters (which makes it feel like you’re reading real fast), so you know I‘d love it.

The story is about Scat and 6 (yes, a woman named 6. Read to find out!) trying to sell ads (and more!) to Coca Cola. Yes, this book is also why I selected to be a Coke fan over a Pepsi fan.

Despite what Rachel Samson thinks (you’ll never really know who that is, so don’t pay attention to it), Max Barry is a brilliant writer and his wit is sharp. Pick this up if you like comedy. Or books. Or things that are good.

3) “Shadows of the Empire”
Steve Perry

Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire is the rare example of a multi-medium media onslaught in the market of the same exact story. This was a book, a video game, an action figure line, and a graphic novel all at the same time. It was brilliantly done, and for once, all the parts were pretty cool as stand-alone entries into the Star Wars saga.

This book takes place between Empire and Jedi and has Dash Rendar to take the place of a frozen Han Solo. It features some other new characters and mentions Boba Fett at least twice, so it passes my standards test.

Its a quick read, as well, and worthy of a place among Star Wars fiction (haha! The thought of that just killed me… “Star Wars fiction”…).

4) “The Looking Glass Wars”
Frank Beddor

I read an article about a comic book featuring a character named Hatter M on ign.com one day and the concept of a reimagined take on Alice in Wonderland sounded so great I picked up the first issue of the comic. Turns out, the character was based on a book that dealt with the same topic, but was only released in the UK. So I ordered it. And read it. And loved it.

As stated, the book series (yes, series. The new one just came out!) takes place in Wonderland but is far more dark and sinister than the Disney version. Or the original version, actually. Its graphic, steam-punkish, and brutal. And sometimes, just plain mean.

Also, there’s the character of Hatter Madigan, or “The Mad Hatter” who follows a lost Alyss to Earth to find, protect, and bring her home. He’s got a hat that turns into knives, knives in his coat, knives in his wrists, knives on his belt, in his backpack, probably has knives for eyes. Who knows. He’s awesome, so that’s all you need to.

5) “Apathy (And Other Small Victories)”
Paul Neilan

You will hate yourself for laughing at this book. The main character should simply be described by the word “apathetic” in the dictionary from now on.

Entire pages of this book are quotable. The characters are stupid and funny and unsympathetic. You will wonder why you’re reading the book after you get halfway through because you will realize there is nothing to gain from this book, aside from an ache in your stomach from laughing too much.

Of all the books I’ve listed, this is the only one that has the word “Apathy” in the title. So… I don’t know… What I’m trying to say… Read these books! That’s what!

I’ll be back again, tomorrow!

Added June 20, 2017
That Paul Neilan hasn’t written a second book at this point will always make me sad. SAD, I TELL YOU.
This is a solid list of “favorite”books of mine but I would for certain get rid of “Looking Glass Wars” (since I never finished that final book) and possibly even replace “Syrup” with “Lexicon” though that’s up for debate.
I’d recommend “The Hike” by Drew Magaray at this point, though, because that book is fantastic.
Again, this list was just to take up space so I could get paid for meeting posting quota on my old Drake University blog. I was a real go-getter.

L&T of Skyler B – 1 of 5 of 5

So, in order to meet the required number of posts this month (hey, I had a real slow month. What can I do?) I’ve decided to make a post every day this week that will give a short review/rundown of five things in five different categories that I really enjoy that you probably don’t but should. So, today, to make it simple, I’ll start with movies (why not, huh?).

So, without further ado:
5 Movies That You Should Love Because I Said So
1) The Fifth Element:
Luc Besson, who always writes the same movies time-after-time (for examples, check out The Professional and then watch his latest film, Unleashed, both of which star incredible killing machines who end up finding out life is about ‘so much more’), did this movie called The Fifth Element to show people what life would be like in a future that was so awesome it hurt.
Visually this movie is stunning. You can’t lose. Colorful hair, clothes, architecture, aliens, transportation, locations, geography…. You can go on and on. There are few scenes as iconic as the shot of Leeloo jumping off that building and falling into traffic in recent movie history.

The story is simple, the characters are archetypal, and the script is tight. But there is something about the entire structure of the film that is so perfect that, well… it really can’t be described. Trust me. Watch the film. From the elaborate and fantastical reconstruction of Leeloo’s physical body to the shot of Bruce Willis getting cold-cocked with a trophy to the robot bartender… You can’t fail.
2) Mulholland Drive:

I can’t talk about this movie. Not because I don’t want to ruin it, but because I can’t. So rarely is there a movie so confusing… so astoundingly complex and needlessly so… that I not only find I can stand to watch it more than once, but that I end up owning, loving, and watching as many times as I can find people who haven’t seen it.
What starts out as an amnesia movie about two women in Hollywood ends up as so much more (in more ways than one) and has some great moments of humor, musical use, and human clarity that you will think it can’t possibly be contained within one movie. But David Lynch did it. I don’t know how.
Come for the lesbians, stay for the lesbians. And… the complicated and fun deconstruction and rebuilding of the movie you will find yourself forced to do at the film’s conclusion. Forced by yourself.
3) The Lost Skeleton of Cadavera:

So you get tired of all the big budget horror movies that are out there and you want to stay in and watch something a little more ‘in depth’ with the human side of horror. Well, forget that rubbish and check this movie, instead. Its about martians, scientists, evil scientists, living skeletons, mutants, and women made of five different forest animals.

Its not a serious movie and will do its best to show you that its not serious. But you will not want to stop watching it because it is that stupid and silly. For an example, take the following line spoken by one of the film’s main antagonists:
“I’ve always been hated by skeletons, even as a child!”

4) Disclosure:
He who says Demi Moore isn’t hot back in her prime is a liar. And this movie is great because not only is she hot, but she is also SUPER-hot for a majority of the film.

I love revenge and back stab movies, and this one is one of my all time favorites. Michael Douglas and Demi Moore go round and round (in more ways than one) in a corporate thriller that has everything the doctor ordered. So long as the doctor ordered copious amounts of intolerable subterfuge!!!!!!

Sexy, sleek, and dynamic, this movie has one weak moment of cybernetic tomfoolery that is mostly worthless but nevertheless furthers the plot. But at the end, when one of the main characters emerges the clear winner over the other… you will be so happy when you find yourself cheering that, well… You won’t care if you are wearing your pants on your head the entire time (spoken from experience that will not be detailed in any way/shape/form).
5) The World’s Fastest Indian:

I love movies about guys going for their dream. And Anthon… SIR Anthony Hopkins does just that, playing an old guy that just wants to run his motor bike on a speed run to go for the world land speed record.

Full of trials and more trials, this movie shows the power of a dream in ways that make me sad I haven’t gotten enough experience to really fulfill any of my own. This movie doesn’t really need any further explanation. Its just that good.

And with that, I’m done. Check in tomorrow when I’ll do the same for books or video games or TV shows or something. I don’t know. I haven’t decided, yet.

Added June 9, 2017
“Come for the lesbians, stay for the lesbians.” – This is the best review of Mulholland Dr. I could ever give.
I need to rewatch a few of these films.
This was also an insanely cheap way to hit my minimum post requirements for the month but, ah, well, it brought in the big* bucks!

*not really

L&T of Skyler B – Drake is Home

I love here.

I would simply leave that as my only sentence but I feel I should explain myself.

I’m not going to really explain myself, though. I’m just gonna talk about school and life and stuff.

First off; This week has been tiring to the utmost degree. I haven’t slept properly since last Friday night and have had early mornings every day. Today I had an 8AM shift at the Help Desk but – whoops! – I didn’t really have an 8AM shift so I woke up for nothing and am REALLY tired today. So tired…

Second off; I am off comic books for the most part. I read a fair number, still. But its gotta be like… half the number of what I used to read at the end of the year last year. This saves me a lot of money and a lot of trips to comic stores. But right now there’s this thing where Thor and Iron Man get in a scrap and Thor…. well, I don’t want to give away spoilers. Or paint myself to be a huge nerd (or a larger one than I’m already painted to look like). But it’s awesome.

Third off; I just saw this movie tonight in class called Good Night and Good Luck and it was really awesome. Its a journalism class that I’m taking because… well… why not? And I’m loving that class. The assignments are great, we watch the films in class, and they are all good films. Its currently my favorite class.

4th off (I can’t spell that); I’m really tired and have some homework to do tonight. So, I’m going to get to it.

Drake is awesome, right now. I love it here and can only imagine what I’d be doing now if I wasn’t here.
(No, Drake is not paying me to say this)

Added May 25, 2017
I like that Young Skyler says he loves Drake and being there and then rants about stuff he hates a bit before saying “I LIKE MOVIES” and then ending on “I hate homework blaaah”.
Young Skyler is an odd duck.
This blog was on Drake University’s website, remember. And they paid me. This is paid, sponsored content. And its mostly whining about being sleepy.

Added June 9, 2017
Fixed the date/time on this one. It was misplaced, almost two years into the future.

L&T of Skyler B – 2 Weeks Down… A Billion Remain…

Oh man… I am tired.

So, we’re done with two weeks of school already. How many are there in a semester? Like, 15? So… 15-2= …………. Don’t tell me…. hold on…. 1. I have one week left of school?!? Oh my God what will I do! I haven’t done anythi Oh, no I have 13 weeks left… God I’m dumb sometimes.

Classes are great; I’m, again, doing the 18 credit semester and while it is tiring, it is thrilling and wonderful. I don’t have one class I hate being in (although its only two weeks in… give me some time) and the course materials and the work loads seem fair so far. The only one I think might be a nightmare is going to be my Monday night class… But it’s getting me in to watch some LOST with an FYS so…. you can’t lose with that kind of setup.

Work at the Help Desk has been slow. It’s mostly my fault for having failed to get up one day during the first week and then having my hours given away. Now I work a majority of my week on Fridays which, while not terrible – since it starts at noon – is still a pain because that’s a long time to sit there and fix the same problems over-and-over.

The DLS (Drake Lit Society, or L!T as it was cleverly dubbed) is off to a good start, too. We had our first meeting with an all-girl assembly (plus me…) but it was pretty awesome and actually moved along at a nice clip and stayed on topic most of the time (swaying once or twice into Harry Potter conversation which doesn’t belong in ANY literary society because its not literature… its garbage. That is my opinion and the opinion of Drake University [note: not really the opinion of Drake University]).

Dating is awesome.

Otherwise, all I can say at this point is “GO SEE 3:10 TO YUMA BECAUSE IT IS AWESOME” and now I’m going to bed because I’m really tired.

See you on Wednesday when I make another post!

Added May 23, 2017
$10 says Young Skyler didn’t make a post the following Wednesday.
I don’t remember what all classes I was taking during this semester, one of them – and the one primarily discussed, here – was my senior capstone class, about writing a personal literary narrative. That stupid lit narrative sucked the goddamned soul out of me and I don’t like thinking about it.
The Drake Lit Society thing fell apart under me because we had no clear goal or any idea what we were even wanting it to be. No one wanted to join a group or stick with one if there wasn’t anything happening.
Harry Potter is still garbage and not literature worth discussing. This is the opinion of Drake University.

L&T of Skyler B – “Homework?!”

In Kingdom Hearts 2, right near the start of the game, a group of kids asks the hero, Sora, if he’s done with his summer homework. Sora is seriously taken aback and stammers: “Homework?!”

This is how I feel.

I spent this entire weekend reading, writing, putting together the starts of presentations and papers, and then reading some more, posting on ye olde blackboard about a number of things, etc etc.

Someone invented homework for a reason. I’m trying to think if they did it because they knew people like me would hate it or not. If they did, and they wanted me to hate it, kudos. If they did, and they knew people like me would hate it but reluctantly pressed on… well, kudos again.

And let me be honest with you, here. I don’t hate-hate homework. I mean, keeping up-to-date on the readings for classes is an important part of the school process. I just don’t like that it takes time.

So, now I’m going to try to build a device similar to the things they use in the Matrix to learn kungfu and all that. I’m going to jack a giant metal spike into my brain and then hook that device to these terrible books I have to read for Adolescent Lit (a great class, take it if you can) and have them downloaded into my head, rather than doing it manually.

…but I will need test subjects to run the device on a few times, first. No way I’m sticking a metal spike in my brain without testing it, first! I’m not making that mistake twice!

Any volunteers?

Added May 19, 2017
I like how these posts to the Drake blog are simply filler so Young Skyler would meet quota and thus could collect a check.
Having said that, I’m so happy I don’t have to do homework, anymore.

L&T of Skyler B – So it Begins…

What can be said?

Classes are… a pain. Because of my prior idiocy, I have been forced to take a grand number of courses, half of which are night classes. For the most part they seem like they will be fine and that I will function while taking them, and I’ll be able to complete them in a fashion fitting of someone of my intellect (not gloating if its the truth!). But it will be… a challenge.

In other news, the Activities Fair went off very well. I was under the impression that the lit group would only generate about 10 interested people, but we ended up with… 44 I think. It was fun and our table looked incredible and… there was a picture taken of it but I don’t have it.

I never have pictures for you guys. I’m lame.

This weekend I have a lot of ‘work’ to do. Most of it involves reading and then a little bit of it involves non-reading activities. I’m excited to “get to it” but at the same time worried that I’ll just grow lazy in two weeks time and then where will I be?

But, the upside is this semester I don’t have a brother living with me writing a script for two weeks, keeping me from class, homework, friends, the outdoors, real food, showers, etc. So I should be doing better.

In last bit news, I finally purchased the first two volumes of “Flight”, a graphic novel series of short comics that deal with the titular theme of flight. It is done by a bunch of different comic artists all over the world and none of the stories are directly connected. Some are funny, some are kinda lame… but this one in volume 2 about a robot and a bird actually made me tear up at the end. So they are aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalright. I wanted to pick those up a long time ago, but collected the “Universe X” series instead.

I wish I could go back in time…

Added April 25, 2017
You and me both, man. You and me both.
The LIT group thing we tried to get off the ground never made it very far and for that I am ashamed. I don’t know what we were trying to make it out to be, but we absolutely never went anywhere with it. But I was VP for a year so that should probably be on my resume at this point.
A few posts ago on this blog Young Skyler bitched about not having money for ice cream but here he admits he’s spent a bunch of money on graphic novels. Probably 4 or 5 by this point and at – at a minimum – 24.00 a pop. Wish I had 100.00 to blow on comic books whenever I wanted, but then I wouldn’t get to play with AWESOME LEGO SETS now would I?

L&T of Skyler B – The End of Summer

And so… We come to the end of another fine summer.

First off, I got over my depression. It was a day-long thing that required copious amounts of Frasier DVDs and ice cream to solve, but I got over it rather quickly.

For my final day of summer, however, I spent a good chunk of time seeing people I needed to see again. First off, my folks were around, moving my younger brother into his new single dorm at Simpson in Indianola (yes, all the Bartels boys are now in Iowa. Me in Des Moines, my younger sib, Zak in Indianola, and my brother, Dr. Pete Bartels is in Iowa City), so I helped them move him in and I also was able to collect my shower shoes, which I’d been going without this past week.

Then I encountered an old friend, Mr. Justin and a friend of mine from high school, Rachel Samson and we all attended a Weird Al concert here in Des Moines, at the Hoyt Sherman Place. It was a ritzy place and really nice. It was a great show, too.

Mr. Justin and I played some Guitar Hero before I gave him the boot, now I’m sitting here contemplating my many upcoming “tomorrows”. (does the period go inside the quotation marks? I never learned… I’m a terrible Writing Major student…)

I don’t have work tomorrow or classes until 2PM. Which was unplanned. Otherwise, I have a meeting to go to at about 3:30 in the Student Life Center for the on-campus organizations and then I will audition for the plays this year (for once!) before my night class.

Then I don’t know what’s going on. Although, to be fair…. I never do know what’s going on.

This past summer was a terrible and long blast of awesomness. I worked and that was stupid, but I got to go swimming and that was great; I had to take an Accounting class and I hated that, but I got to know a really cool girl so that was something I didn’t hate; I mowed a lot of yards and that was hot, but I got to see Transformers twice and that was SUPER-hot; I got to do a lot of annoying Facebook notes and they were super-dumb, but I also had fun doing those notes so that was… well, also pretty super-dumb.

Regardless, I’d give the summer a 5/10, an improvement over the past two college-summers I’ve had. So, best summer in a long while.

Now to make this the best semester in a long while.

Added April 25, 2017
Note: Remember, Young Skyler literally went swimming once that summer, so don’t buy into the lie about “got to swimming” and assume it means anything more than a one time event.
The “cool girl” was Aliona, “The Russian” as you’ll see noted throughout the archive. If I could go back in time and stop Young Skyler from that whole mess, I still would. What a mess. A messy mess.
I do enjoy that a 5/10 is a great summer for him, though. Man, that he even gets to enjoy summers in any capacity is astonishing, really.

L&T of Skyler B – D-Pressed

After having only been back a total of two and a half days, I have hit a nasty depression.

I am fully aware of why it happened; yesterday saw fit to bring me roadblocks of many kinds. It was raining all day, I was tired all day, events led me to have no money, I had to cancel the only thing I was looking forward to all day, and then I ended the day questioning my own moral beliefs until I finally went to sleep at about 5AM.

Now I’m sitting here in my dark, silent room… the only sound coming from the low hum of the air conditioner and the clack-clack-clack of this keyboard as I type. I can’t even be depressed properly because I don’t have any ice cream and I have no money with which to purchase any ice cream.

The worst part about being depressed for me (and maybe for others, too) is that even though you’ve already got a mountain of things bothering you and eating away at your mind, every little thing from your past and every little thing from your future start to crawl out of the depths of your mind and pile on top of that mountain.

Now I’m worrying about everything at once and I really don’t know how to resolve anything.

So, at the current juncture, I’m simply sitting in my dorm room in GK wishing I was back home where at least I wouldn’t have to worry about so many things. Everything would be far away and not so scary.

I really don’t know how I’m going to pass the time for the next 10-12 hours until I can go to sleep, again.

This is sad and depressing, I know. So I’ll end with a joke:

Q: You know what I’ve really enjoyed about being back at Drake?

A: Nothing

Added April 25, 2017
JESUS this got grim. If you’ve been paying attention, Young Skyler just spent the ENTIRE SUMMER wishing he was out of Harvard, NE and back at Drake and now he’s been there for two days? Time to get the hell out because its too depressing. Christ.
I’m depressed now, just reading this stuff. Thanks a lot, Young Skyler.


Ok, so I got that car I was looking to get. I’ll have pictures of it sometime, maybe, but for now you’ll have to settle with knowing its AS AWESOME AS I THOUGHT IT WOULD BE! It is a 2005 Chevy Cobalt and yellow. And it is my new best friend. So there.

So I have a few dozen things to take care of before I can go back to Drake. The primary concern of mine is that I have to get taxes and insurance stuff done for that new automobile I have sitting in the driveway, here at home. I will be taking care of that bright and early tomorrow morning.

Then I have to do ALL MY LAUNDRY. That’s right. I’m going to do all my laundry. Almost every thing I own to wear will be laundered and cleaned and made to look spiffy. This process has already started this evening and will continue long into the next 24 hour period.

I also have to pack all my junk into my new car so that it can go with me to Drake on Tuesday morning/afternoon. I don’t really know when I’m heading back. I guess I’d better figure that out, too.

Whenever I DO get back to campus, I have to move myself into my old single dorm for another year of schoolin‘. Then I am GOING to see Stardust no matter what. Unless no one else is going with me. I’m too embarrassed to go by myself…

On Wednesday, rain or shine, I’m helping the new little tykes move in. That’s right, Skyler C. Bartels is doing volunteer work. But I get a free shirt, the group (L!T)’s name gets out there a bit, and I get to move in early and avoid the hectic craziness that weekend move-ins always seem to become.

On Thursday, I will restart my Help Desk employment by working an 8 hour shift in the dungeon. No, ‘dungeon’ is too cliche a thing to call it… Uh…. how about…. Help Desk? Same connotations behind each one, I feel. Yes yes. I will also be doing this same shift on Friday, starting at 8am. This is cool because it’ll help train me to get up in the mornings again. I haven’t seen 8am in… well, a few days, actually. But I’m still staying up until 4-5am every ‘night’. I have mental issues.

That weekend I have to take John Flowers to see Last Legion and then I’m going to a Wierd Al concert on Sunday. Otherwise, I’m pretty much free both days.

Otherwise… my first week back will be wet (if the weather reports are correct) and full of packing and moving and lifting and exasperation.

Sounds like the perfect precursor to college.

Added April 25, 2017
I think Rachel Samson joined Justin Isbell and myself at that Weird Al concert, which I constantly forget I went to. At Hoyt Sherman.
This blog – for, like the past month’s worth posts – has simply been “gotta get a car, pack, and move back to Drake to not fail” and it is really boring. Hard to comment on the posts when there is nothing but repeat information.