HM – Link to a Crappy Picture

Day 4: The Endless, uh… Day…

The more and more I hear about Star Wars: Episode III, the more I can’t help thinking that it’s going to be the best Star Wars movie of them all. I mean, honestly!

Sin City will have a run for its money for title of “Best Movie of 2005,” I think. It could be tough year all around.

I have my film lab today. And then some Religions and Irish Lit homework, too. w00t? I think not…

I did a really, really crappy picture of Marluxia on MSPaint last night for fun, because I liked Marluxia and he kicked ass. I’m thinking about doing a whole group of pictures of the Organization, but maybe I won’t. Anyhow, click that link there to see it…. if you dare! But don’t say I didn’t warn you…

I did an Age 19 with the specific task of giving a large-ass hint to people. It probably won’t be funny at all, but it should lead some people here… I hope…

Well, if it were a normal day, I’d be able to go get lunch right now, but on Saturday and Sunday, the place I like to eat at doesn’t open until 12:15, which means that I’ll go to my film lab at 12:30 first. Maybe I’d better eat some more Vienna Fingers…

Well, I guess I’m taking off for now. Enjoy life, foooools!
-if you dare!

Added June 23, 2016
And the people start flooding in.
That picture is a travesty and should be burned. I in no way endorse Young Skyler’s non-Age 19 art. Bleh.
Vienna Fingers… the thought of them just made my stomach churn a bit. Ugh.
In looking, Sin City might honestly be my pick for best of 2005. Curious.

HM – When you Walk Away, You Don’t Hear Me Say

When You Walk Away, You Don’t Hear Me Say..

Well I beat Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories today. It was all around pretty cool. All the new plot points and ties between the two games astound me and really, really make me want Kingdom Hearts 2.

All the characters are pretty cool and there are a ton of interesting things about them, namely the “Unknowns” (to whom the so called “Enigmatic Man” belongs) and are actually called the Organization.

-Vexen is crazy! He’s one of the longest living members of the Organization and basically just is the research whore of the group. He messes with both Sora and Riku and is very much crazy. Axel (more in a bit) kills this bastard, though, when Vexen almost gives something important away…

-Lexaues is freaking huge! He is the Organization’s brute strength. When Marluxia (more in a bit) tries to control Sora, Lexaues and other members of the team try to control Riku. Riku, though, just decides to kill Lexaues. That’s two members down…

-Zexion is one of the first in the group, too, and never comes in contact with Sora. He really, really wants to get Riku under his control so he can take out Marluxia and Sora, but Vexen’s pet project, a fake Riku kills and absorbs Zexion’s power under Axel’s supervision. Oh well, three down…

-Marluxia has a giant-ass scyth and knows how to use it! He is the leader of the Organization that is found in Castle Oblivion, and tries to use Sora by controlling him, but fails, when Sora beats the shit outta him, with a little help from Axel…. He also controls these things at one point:


Larxene is a bitch! She’s hot, sure, but she’s a bitch! She was working with Marluxia to control Sora for the Organizations own gains, but when she decided to pull Axel into the group, she failed to realize that Axel was one kickass, backstabbing bastard! She died when she pissed Sora off and he killed her. That just leaves…

Axel. I don’t even know where to begin with this guy. He’s crazy! He not only (basically) kills every other member of the Organization (that is present in Castle Oblivion, anyway), but also states that he has something in common with Sora. Was Axel once a Keyblade Master himself? Or what’s his deal?

Of all of these “Unknowns,” only Axel appears to be in Kingdom Hearts 2, as seen here:

But he can’t be the only member of the Organization left alive. I mean, granted there could be more members than the ones seen in KH:CoM, but there has to be more in KH2, as seen here:

Then there’s DIZ. Who is this guy? I don’t know, but he is in some way in “cohoots” with the Organization, evidenced here:

Is he maybe Ansem in one form or another? Who knows?

Anyhow, aside from that, I guess I have nothing else to post. If no one has seen this site by the 3rd of Feb., I’m going to let people know where it is.

Anyhow, see everyone later!
-now go away!

Added June 23, 2016
Ah, my first comments!
The mystery leading into KH2 was palpable and nothing got me more invested than this game. Of note, how close my assumptions about DiZ being Ansem were!
Aside from this, this is a nerdy post and not worth over-talking about, so I’ll just leave it at that (I have the HD KH games but never got past the first Final Mix title. Should really give ’em another go, here, eventually).

HentaiMcToonboob – Counting Down the Days

Counting Down the Days Until People Find Me…

So, I wonder how long it’ll take people to start showing up on here…

Today I just sat on my butt and did nothing. yeehaa!

I played a ton of Kingdom Hearts: CoM over the past 24 hours (not at once, this isn’t MGS3!) and have beaten the Sora half. Marluxia is one tough sonuva bitch, I tell’s ya! Riku’s half is pretty interesting and plays totally different than Sora’s its fun. And its got King Mickey! In what appears to be the same black-type outfit Sora will wear in KH2. Intereting…

Steve got his copy of Sin City today, said it was good. I didn’t really need his confirmation, but, oh well. Mine will show up between tomorrow and Monday. I’m hoping for tomorrow….

The 5th Element is the perfect movie. I love it!

Well, I guess I’d better go. My writing workship prof. wants me to send her a writing sample, so I’d better get on that. Catch you all later!
-May the Force be with you… if you can find this site…

Added June 23, 2016
For those of you just tuning it, I’d hidden the link to this site in an Age 19 comic on Page 21 earlier on and then “closed” that site after some time to be “done with Xanga” – why go through this? Why have a new blog at all? I don’t know.
After this post, all HentaiMcToonboob entries will be headlined as “HM” in the interest of space conservation. Please make a note of it.

HentaiMcToonboob – New Site

My new site, bitches!
-See ya soon!

Added June 23, 2016
Wordpress has had the hardest time importing entries from my old blogs, so that this first batch of posts from my second blog went up as quickly as it did was shocking.
I consider Page21 to be my blogging/online birthplace, but HentaiMcToonboob was and is my real home. I hope to find that things are as I left them.