Frequently Mentioned Truths – Mandango Resolutions

2010 IS HERE!


Current Location: “More work?”
Current Mood: busybusy
Current Music: Tool’s “Lateralus” (mostly just Schism, however)

Added March 24, 2016
I’ve often said 2009 was the worst year of my life. Was glad to see it go.

Frequently Mentioned Truths – Mandango Orbitationalization

Current Location: still in lame ol’ 2009
Current Mood: sympatheticsympathetic
Current Music: King Crimson’s “Red”

Added March 24, 2016
This is around the time I was discovering King Crimson, as noted in the “current music” section of the (short) post above. Back in 2003 I’d said that a live Led Zeppelin album was my favorite of all time. My how time changes us all.

Frequently Mentioned Truths – MandanAVATAR!!!!!

100% correctly hyped, Avatar delivers Cameron’s over-a-decade long dream with every promise he’d made.

Worth every penny to see in 3D, this visual wonder is not going to win “best story” awards, nor should it. The tale itself is very simple (albeit with strong pro-green/anti-war threads strewn throughout) and the characters are not complex. But its messages are still powerful, its performances are nailed, spot-on time and time again, and the new age of CG is here, my friends.

Images and trailers showing four-five seconds of footage cut in a mish-mash of scenes does little justice for the splendor of this film. In full motion, Cameron has managed to get his actors’ performances transposed beautifully from their real selves to their digital, Na’vi counterparts. While initially the blue inhabitants of the planet Pandora looked very fake, the only reason you’ll know they are while watching the movie is because you keep telling yourself they aren’t real. The eyes, mouths, and body language are all real and a sight to behold. And the world they inhabit is just as real.

“does little justice”

See this movie in 3D if you can, but see this movie no matter what. If you like action, effects, kick-ass soundtracks, good messages, wonderful acting, and – more importantly – James Cameron…. see this movie. If you like great cinema, having a good time at the theatre, and – more importantly – James Cameron…. see this movie. If you love being swept away by art in any medium, getting lost from the real world for a few hours, and – more importantly – James Cameron…. see this movie.

If you hate any of those things… go die.

Added March 24 2016
You’ll likely see this three times for reasons I don’t want to explain – here, a Xanga page, and a Facebook post. I wanted to make certain everyone I knew saw the movie and loved it.
I haven’t seen it since I got it on blu ray oh so many years ago. They still haven’t put out one sequel.

Frequently Mentioned Truths – Mandango Reproduction

I’m going to be a father!
Current Location: this place called life
Current Mood:



Current Music: My Child – Hooverphonic

Added March 24, 2016
I have absolutely no idea what I was talking about, here. I’m – very obviously – not a dad, I have no kids. I may have been writing — I sometimes liken my stories to being children. That’s my best guess.

Added June 2, 2022

And now I have a kid.

Frequently Mentioned Truths – Mandango Accumulation

it’s beginning to look a lot like bullshit…
oh the weather outside is bullshit…
Current Mood: annoyedannoyed
Current Music: SOUNDS of the UNIVERSE

Added March 24, 2016
One thing I will never miss about the midwest, now that I live in California, is the damned snow. We have it, near me even, up in the mountains. Seeing it from a distance is good enough for me.

Frequently Mentioned Truths – Mandango Cumeuppance

ANTICHRIST (according to imdb’s “parent’s guide”):

Sex & Nudity

Several sex scenes, some showing brief explicit images of penetration.

A woman crushes a mans testicles with a plank of wood and then masturbates him until he ejaculates blood.

A woman cuts off her clitoris.

Violence & Gore

Some strong, very disturbing violence.


During one scene, She uses the word “bastard” multiple times, at her partner.

Brief, and occasional use of “fuck” are used too, but altogether, the language is used sparingly.


No alcohol, no smoking, no drug abuse. Soon after arriving at the cabin He is seen briefly drinking a small amount of red wine from a glass before She leaps up and attacks him. She is in medical treatment and at the beginning, she is pouring a glass of pills into the toilet. However, no other problematic content of this nature appears.

Frightening/Intense Scenes

This film is an adult psychological drama. It is not aimed at, nor meant, for anyone under 18 years of age. This is not “torture porn” or an horror movie; every violent and sexual moment albeit strong; have a reason and significance.

The film’s overall mood and tone, is meant to be one of emotional intensity – both for the characters and the audience. The three scenes that are the most problematic, however, will be:

1) The opening black-and-white scene showing the couple making love, whilst a young child falls out of a window, trying to catch snow-flakes. The youngster falls in extreme slow-motion, until it hits the pavement/sidewalk below. Though the body collapses, no detailed scenes of injury or blood are ever shown.

2) The scene in Eden, in the log cabin, when Dafoe and Gainsbourg have violent sex with each other. She takes a wooden log, and strikes His genitals, which appear to break. She then pleasures him, until he ejaculates blood over himself and her dress and face. Then she genitally mutilates herself, by using scissors to remove her clitoris. Although these scenes are both shown in unrelenting detail, they are clearly faked, as shown by a brief, but abrupt and noticeable cut.

3) Towards the end of the above scene, She then tortures Him, by drilling a hole through his left ankle; fingers the bloody wound, by inserting her index finger into it, and then inserting a large, heavy metal rod and weight through his ankle, before bolting the weight with a spanner, to avoid Him removing it.

4) In two scenes are shown frightening scenes of animals. In the first Dafoe disturbs a deer giving birth, the bloody baby can be seen hanging out of the utero. In the other scene Dafoe finds a fox eating itself. The intestines are shown and the fox tries to rip a meat piece out of itself. Also the fur is full of blood.

At the end of the movie, one character is killed and the body is burned on a large open-air fire. There is not blood or gore involved.

ANTICHRIST (according to ME):
“It’s awesome. 8/10, all the way.”

Current Location: Eden
Current Mood: peacefulpeaceful
Current Music: KMFDM’s “Juke Joint Jezebel”

Added March 24, 2016
My friend Aaron and I drove hours to see this in the theater. You’ll see, likely, more posts about this from elsewhere, but since this is the first one I’m getting to, just know that it was worth the drive even if the movie isn’t really all that interesting in the end.

Frequently Mentioned Truths – Mandango Restitution

Current Mood: recumbentrecumbent

Added March 24, 2016

Frequently Mentioned Truths – Mandango Minutia

Dark matter flowing out on to a tape
Is only as loud as the silence it breaks
Most things decay in a matter of days
The product is sold as the memory fades


PS: Goin’ to this new Coen bros. movie tonight. Serious Man they call it. Rumors abound that it is their greatest work to date. Rumors abound, also, that my cell phone needs immediate replacing.

Current Location: Hot Dog Heaven
Current Mood: busybusy
Current Music: Disc 2 of The Incident

Added March 24, 2016
#1 – Hot Dog Heaven? I hate hot dogs
#2 – I should watch Serious Man tonight
#3 – That cell phone absolutely needed replaced.