deviantart – Well here I am

Been a long while, huh?

I don’t do anything anymore.

I’m boring.

How’re you?

  • Listening to: Blackfield
  • Watching: LOST
  • Playing: Final Fantasy II/Guitar Hero 3

    Added March 23, 2016
    The last entry in my Deviant Art journal. I did get boring. Now is the time where I decide whether or not to post the images I hosted on the site. That one is still up and running. I could simply link to them? I don’t know. I’ll think about it more, later.

deviantart – True Life Stories (As Told Through Fiction)

Hi there fellows.

Not a whole lot to say. I’m finally back and around to doing some stuff.

I’ll have some kinda news for you in a few days. Big stuff. Life-changing stuff.


  • Listening to: Porcupine Tree
  • Watching: The Office
  • Playing: Kingdom Hearts 2

    Added February 27, 2017
    There was no life-changing material of any kind. Period.

deviantart – Whoops…

And almost a full year later…

I’ve been bad about finishing this stupid story, but last night it all came to me and I now know how to get from where I am to the projected end I’d had in mind since my Freshman year of college.

Will I actually get it finished this time? God I hope so.

Otherwise… been a few months, huh? How is everyone doing?

Added February 27, 2017
The “Story” was “The Legend of Trashcan Man”, an MSPaint project I never finished. Whoops.

deviantart – The Further Adventures of Sticky Cat

Hey, folks!

You like Sticky Cat? You like the book I was doing a while back?

Then go to where I am finishing the sucker.

Also, you guys will get the pages here, first. Every time. I just love ya like that!

Added February 27, 2017
Don’t go to that website because it doesn’t work.
I never finished this book, I absolutely should post it here as best I can, but who knows how effective such a thing would ever be.

deviantart – Another Month, Another Dollar

Well, is still running. Glad about that, that I am.

College life is boring, still. Sad, huh?

I have lately been finding it easier and easier to create small comics again. Fun.

Also of note, for those of you who like Sticky Cat… believe me when I tell you your wish is about to be granted…

Added February 27, 2017
And if you STILL want to see adventures featuring Sticky Cat, well… Too bad.
I like how I posted note things on this site for no reason and then proceeded to fill them with very little. And what little I did provide was meaningless and empty.

deviantart – Ergh…

Well, here we are again, eh?

I’ve been bored all day so I’ve been drawing characters from tv shows (anime) and video games. Alan Gabriel and the Turks are the only ones fit to post.

I’m still updating at three times a week. But I’ve decided that, in case of emergeny crap-art, I’ll still post here. How about THEM apples?!

Added February 27, 2017
I’m sure your “legion of fans” appreciated your “crap-art”, Young Skyler. Good work, as always.

deviantart – Website

Ok, website is up.

enjoy, favorite, visit daily. updates Mon/Wed/Fri with maybe a few surprises here or there.

See you guys later!

Added February 28, 2017
Again, don’t go to that site as it doesn’t exist, anymore.
I used every available resource I could, back then, to promote my webcomic. It didn’t work, I didn’t feel fulfilled, and – eventually – I just let the thing go.

deviantart – Hello, again.

Hi. Its been awhile, huh?

Work on the website is going well, but much, much slower than I had intended. Thats probably because my website designer friend, Mr. Justin, is almost as lazy about the project as I am. Ha ha ha.

Anyhow, when its done, it’ll be done. And you’ll be able to see my favorite characters here

In the meantime, I’ve decided to let you see this one, smaller 4-panel, and I guess since I’m not doing anything but working this summer, I can draw some little one-panels, too. Maybe.

Added February 28, 2017
Justin was instrumental in helping me get that site up and running. God bless him.
Once again, don’t follow that address. It goes no where.

deviantart – Goodbye

Dear deviantART,

Hi, its me, Skyler Bartels. We’ve had plenty of happy times in the past, you and I, but the time has come for me to move on. The days of Jesus Time and Age 19 were grand, yes, but you and I just need some time apart and, well gosh, I think this could be it.

I have packed my bags and have already begun the move to my new home, where I will continue drawing comics on my own time.

I hope you can survive without me, deviantART, but if anyone can make it, its you. You have plenty of friends that can support you. You’re strong and always have been. I look forward to seeing great things from you.

I will keep in contact, but for now, I just need to put some space between us. Enjoy life, deviantART.


Added February 28, 2017
I had, at my best, like six people that followed me. This letter was a bit presumptuous, wasn’t it?
As always, that address is dead and leads to nothing of interest.

deviantart – Mirror

You ever get one of those feelings when you look in a mirror and you really, really don’t think what you see fits the personality, mindset, thought-patterns, and creative ability of the person you know you’re looking at?

Yeah, me either.

Anyhow, Age 19 is taking a turn for the better, I think, with new 4-panel episodes. This is due to a fanbase growing around the new female character. Since I figure the comic-Skyler shouldn’t be as lame as I am, I decided to give him a steady girlfriend.

But I don’t have a name, yet. Any suggestions would be entertained.

Also of note: these 4-panels take longer to draw so they will only be updated on a Mon/Wed/Fri basis with some standard Age 19’s thrown around inbetween. Don’t think this means the end of Sticky-Cat, though. He will return and finish his adventure in the near future.

Anyhow, much love to anyone that reads me or checks my art. Sneak peek of Monday’s comic for y’all, too!

Added February 28, 2017
I did enjoy, back in the day, getting comments from people. I think I will likely upload all the images and comments on this archive. Just have to look at how much content there is and go from there.