bartelsc – resident evil hd remaster of playstation 1 remake of gamecube remake for playstation 4 review part one

mouth full

i love the resident evil series.


but i haven’t played the first one, in any form, in over a decade. the remastered version of the remake from the gamecube came out on ps3 and ps4 a bit ago and so i picked it up for a bit of nostalgia. i used to be able to burn through this game in under 3 hours back in the day because i knew the mansion like the back of my hand.

this game is hard as shit.


now i am playing it on the easiest setting but i’m not going to use a guide or walkthrough of any kind, no matter how obtuse the puzzles may seem. i remember a bit of the stuff from this game, but some of the mansion layout, the item placement, and the more difficult puzzles are not coming back to me so easily. i did remember to find the broken shotgun before i even tried for the actual one, though. so that was no big deal.

otherwise, i’m constantly out of ammo and inventory space. i don’t remember it being like this.

i haven’t gotten very far, overall. shotgun, no crimson heads yet. haven’t actually done battle with a dog but i have a shotgun now so i’m more interested in a combat situation.

i’ve died, like, 300 times.


looking forward to more.

Added March 22, 2016
The final post of my second-to-last blog (counting this one) – I somehow forgot the password and WordPress stuck to their tight security and wouldn’t let me in for nothing. So I’ve copy-and-pasted them all, here.
If you think it is weird that I didn’t do a Part II of this, that’s because I never played it again! See how much I love that series?

bartelsc – so

i actually got first place in this story slam thing last night. it was pretty cool.

a lot of great talent and i should have gotten second behind one mr. aaron jaco, but that’s neither here nor there.

the people have spoken.

bah bah bah bah bah bah bah bah bah
blue moon

Added March 22, 2016
That I got first place at that event still shocks me. What I wrote was garbage, through and through.
DID write “pile of chairs” on the bathroom wall in sharpie during the event. Sorry, Mars Café…

bartelsc – words

i have had dreams about the whereabouts of my dog and they came from the pile of chairs.

Added March 22, 2016
“Pile of chairs” was a favorite grouping of words of mine for a long, long time after this.
I wrote this by using my phones texting program. I’d start a word and let it guess the next one until a full sentence was completed, regardless of grammar issues. I still love it.

bartelsc – contest

taking part in a writing contest tonight

havent had to create something for a purpose in years

i go, i pay ten bucks, i get three words, i get half an hour to write, i get five minutes to read

winner gets the prize.

i’m actually horrified.

i haven’t faced a writing challenge in so long due to self-imposed limits of dedication to the craft. my “chosen” craft. its hauntingly surreal to have to go back to this after all this time.

i’ll never know unless i try, right? right.


Added March 22, 2016
This is the last time – this event – that I wrote something creative. Recent conversations have started to rekindle that fire, a bit. Maybe something is coming…?

bartelsc – so here is a thing:

job interview went well. signed background check docs. pay will be good.

everything is coming together.

just need the biggest piece to fall into place.

then my world can start to rebuild.

Added March 22, 2016
My first job offer in Fresno fell through about as fast as it popped up. It was heartbreaking and bewildering. I thought everything I was working toward at the time was failing me. Fate, it would seem, had other plans entirely in the end.