CHRONO TRIGGER: A (Steam Deck ABC’s Backlog) “Review”

I’m really not going to say anything that hasn’t been said before (by me, a million times no less). Chrono Trigger is one of the greatest games I’ve ever played, one of the best SNES games released and easily one of the best RPG’s to come out of Square. It plays like a dream on the Deck and is full of such charm, such wit, and such great music.

Two of the things I love the most about this game are the way the story starts out so small and innocent, then gets crazy, but then gets even more crazy. Seriously, when you are approaching the final dungeon of the game, think back to how it all started and then be amazed at all the dots that had to connect to get you to that ending. Its a wild ride and I will take it again and again before my life is over.

The other thing I’m going to say is that the combat in this game has to be some of the most kinetic and fun RPG combat ever. Turn based or not, the variety of mechanics on display is real simple to learn but a hoot to master. And when the dungeons and battle sequences are this tight and well streamlined, you never get bored with exploring and fighting before you’re already finished up and on to the next area or combat scenario.

I can not endorse this game enough and if you want great retro gaming, you can almost assuredly do no better than this.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

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