1. Wish Upon
    What a dumb, fun movie this was. Can’t even stress enough how little you should know going into this movie and how little you should invest in taking it seriously. The movie is having fun, the cast is having fun, and if you shut your brain off for a second, you’ll have a ton of fun, too. Could have used a bit more gore and could have absolutely used a bit more quality cinematography, but the pacing, kills, and tight premise+rules setup make for an enjoyable afternoon. – 7/10
  2. Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets
    Here’s the thing: Besson is never gonna top Fifth Element, or he would have done it by now. Let go of the past and sit and enjoy this movie. The opening sequence alone is worth the price of admission to this fun, imaginative, vibrant, and peppy little movie. There are narrative issues aplenty, but don’t let those bog you down because the movie’s plot is just background noise to keep the film going. Don’t blink or you’ll miss something awesome somewhere on the screen. – 8/10
  3. American Animals
    Without giving anything away, this one is just a tense, funny, dark romp. Great casting, great premise, awesome framing devices for the narrative. You won’t believe your eyes at some points and at others you will think to yourself “this is exactly how it would go in real life”. Luke Evans is gonna be someone, someday. Keep watching this kid. – 8/10
  4. Bone Tomahawk
    To say anything about this movie is to spoil something. Just gonna say that the cast is great, the dialogue is authentic without seeming stale, and the last 30 minutes will stick with you. – 9/10