Status Update: 1/16/18

Zak Bartels is in town this Thursday, then we’re going to KC to see Distant Worlds which is a long time coming.

After that? We’ll watch Scott Pilgrim and maybe Blade Runner 2049, I dunno.

I’m currently rewatching Venture Brothers and every Monday, Flix Brewhouse is showing a different Miyazaki film throughout January. We saw Princess Mononoke and last night Aubrey and I saw Howl’s Moving Castle. Next week? Totoro, and then finally Spirited Away with her and our friends Brandon and Josh.

I also got this Bloodborne board game for xmas so, you know, I need to figure that out at some point.

Finished Dark Souls 3 + DLC, ran through the Dishonored 2 expansion (the bank heist is the best level in the series and possibly one of the best in gaming, period) and now I’m on to 2017’s Prey which is holding my interest thus far. It’s a great spiritual successor to System Shock 2 but I wouldn’t mind it if that third SS game came out sooner rather than later. SHODAN is greatly missed.

Still loving my job.
Still loving Des Moines.
Still hating snow.

Life is good.


Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

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