Too Many Things, Too Little Time

I haven’t been the best at keeping this thing updated, either from a current events standpoint OR updating the archive. I have a lot on my plate, too many plates in the air, whatever wording you wanna use.

Went to a concert last week (GORILLAZ WHICH WAS THE SHIT) and going to one his week (FUTURE ISLANDS/EXPLOSIONS IN THE SKY). I’ve seen some movies (mother! which was mostly forgettable garbage, in the end), been playing some video games (Torment: Tides of Numenera which as me captivated). And I’ve done a lot of house work (took care of all the gutters, been working on a basement wall, put together some nice-ass bookshelves in the basement, going to work on wiring stuff to our sound system, soon, etc).

But I’m happy! I’ve got some stuff in the works coming up (I’ve been slowly working on a Twin Peaks review that is so long it might as well be a book) and Aubrey is headed to California to see her dad in a bit so I might work on archiving something that was otherwise lost to time, but we’ll see. Might not even be worth it.


Hope all is well and we’ll chat about stuff for real, real soon.



Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

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