Just Some Info

I don’t generally have a ton of stuff to say at any given moment, these days. Just thought I’d share some stuff going on in my life, though:

-Going to California next week. Spending time in San Francisco and Fresno, seeing some people here and there, eating well and getting warm. Gonna be a great time.

-New Goldfrapp album coming out soon, as well as Gorillaz and Depeche Mode. Gonna be a good, solid year for music if you ask me.

-Working on a new LEGO building. Assembly Square.
We’re a little over halfway done and its been a hoot. Over 4000 individual pieces, so it is taking a long, long time.

– Saw the movie, “Split” and I don’t want to spoil anything, but go see it if and when you can. On the flipside, also saw “Silence” and – well – don’t bother with that one.

-Started Final Fantasy XV and it is thus far interesting and beautiful, but the same things were said about FFXIII, so, that’s not saying that much in the end, really. Cindy is excessive as hell.

-Finally, getting close to being done Archiving and Updating old HentaiMcToonboob posts, about halfway with Facebook notes. I will then have DevientArt and I think some of my Drake blog left. After that I don’t know that I’ll do much more. I don’t know what else I COULD do. We’ll see. This has been a fun process and a treat and its nice to know that I’ll have access to this content in one place for the first time ever.

Anyhow, much love to all of you and have a great week.


Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

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