Dallas Center

So I’m here, pooping on a toilet in Aubrey’s mom/stepdad’s house, looking for jobs, filling out applications, and wishing I was already employed. We are also looking for a new home of our own and trying to get through everything we need to get through prior to winter (mostly shoring up on our canned food collection).

The drive back through the Western part of America was uneventful, more or less. The dogs slept most of the way and I lost some weight because I didn’t eat much of anything, really. A cup of yogurt every morning, some club crackers in the car, and a small meal (and slice of pie) every night. Had some damn fine cherry pie in Twin Peaks North Platte, NE from some 24-hour diner. Solid.

Been camped out in DC, IA for a week. Seen people, eaten food, slept in a bunch… good stuff. I’m super pumped to find and start a job though. But, I guess, I touched on that already.

Tonight I’m gonna get a drink with Aaron and maybe catch bronchitis from him in the process. Tomorrow we’re going to Ang and Jeremy’s for dinner and board games. Gonna make a cast iron cake of some kind. Haven’t baked in a bit. Then I don’t think we have any plans on Saturday. I’m absolutely jonesing for some Rocket League in the coming days, so maybe I’ll see if I can make that happen this weekend.

I have 800+ HentaiMcToonboob posts to go through still, it looks like, and about 500+ pages of Facebook notes, not to mention the Super-Dumb series that hasn’t been completed, a few other random blogs here and there that exist that need brought to the fold, and then some decisions on what other online footprints need to be archived with everything else.

I’m slowing down, currently, but that’s because I have too much to do in my “free time” (aka unemployment) and archiving these things isn’t as high on the priority list. Oh well.

Long story short:
-I want more LEGO sets.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

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