bartelsc – resident evil hd remaster of playstation 1 remake of gamecube remake for playstation 4 review part one

mouth full

i love the resident evil series.


but i haven’t played the first one, in any form, in over a decade. the remastered version of the remake from the gamecube came out on ps3 and ps4 a bit ago and so i picked it up for a bit of nostalgia. i used to be able to burn through this game in under 3 hours back in the day because i knew the mansion like the back of my hand.

this game is hard as shit.


now i am playing it on the easiest setting but i’m not going to use a guide or walkthrough of any kind, no matter how obtuse the puzzles may seem. i remember a bit of the stuff from this game, but some of the mansion layout, the item placement, and the more difficult puzzles are not coming back to me so easily. i did remember to find the broken shotgun before i even tried for the actual one, though. so that was no big deal.

otherwise, i’m constantly out of ammo and inventory space. i don’t remember it being like this.

i haven’t gotten very far, overall. shotgun, no crimson heads yet. haven’t actually done battle with a dog but i have a shotgun now so i’m more interested in a combat situation.

i’ve died, like, 300 times.


looking forward to more.

Added March 22, 2016
The final post of my second-to-last blog (counting this one) – I somehow forgot the password and WordPress stuck to their tight security and wouldn’t let me in for nothing. So I’ve copy-and-pasted them all, here.
If you think it is weird that I didn’t do a Part II of this, that’s because I never played it again! See how much I love that series?

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

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