bartelsc – five things that make me happy today

1) ipod:
been listening to great music all day today: goldfrapp, porcupine tree, mars volta, talking heads. yes.

2) food:
i don’t have to worry about cooking anything when i get home tonight because i have enough leftovers to last a few months after cooking over 10lbs of ham on saturday

3) parks and rec:
i am almost caught back up on this show, or at least what is available on netflix. the show got funnier and funnier as time went on, sho nuf

4) saints row 4:
got a new (old) game coming my way tomorrow which is fun. need a good, mindless game to play these days

5) lady is coming home:
i will be seeing a special someone later this week and despite the anxiety and fear that accompanies this visit, i’m thrilled just to see her face in person. some days it has felt like this would be something i’d never experience again.

Added March 22, 2016
1 – I don’t use that iPod, anymore. The headphone jack doesn’t work well, these days. Though it is almost a decade old, so some issues are to be expected
2 – I never finished that ham
3 – I miss that show, already. RETRO-JAMMED
4 – I made my younger brother get this version, too. Never really played it with him
5 – That I get to see Aubrey every day is a blessing and a gift I treasure to this very day

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

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