bartelsc – mambo no. 6

everyone is in india


or california





xanga collapsed. like a dying star. i found bits of star dust. i have recompiled. restructured.


not all is as it was.

but, then again, nothing is ever as it was.




once upon a time i was asked why i keep this thing, if nostaligia is worth it.




it used to be something akin to homesickness.


wistful thought about something happy in the past… or homesickness.








i need this old part of me. i don’t know why. i’ve said it a few times and will likely say it a few times, more, but the bottom line is that this is a part of me and i can’t willingly kill a part of me.


the universe tried to do it already, crushing xanga into a black hole and then nothing.



i don’t review it, though. haven’t for a long time. who has the minutes or hours of a day necessary for such a trip? not modern skyler.



past skyler wouldn’t mind a visit, but the skyler of today has too much going on. selling a house, work, lamenting, living in languid, lethargic lividity.






iowa has been very kind to me. i need to do something to show my appreciation

Added March 21, 2016
Many things in the world have changed, but many things have remained the same. I miss Iowa, sometimes. Sometimes, I feel like I’m still there. The world is a very strange place.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

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