bartelsc – she is in fresno

she lingers, still. on his mind, on his tongue. in their bed. but she is not there.

another day passes and a darkness fills his everything with greater ferocity and fervor.  it is a spectacle of macabre delights and saccharin defeats.

a call in the night and she fills the room with devine white light powerful enough to level cities. it is holy. it is dangerous. it completes and destroys. it is madness.

he will rise in the morning but fall each night. in both, he will be alone.

to him, time is eternal. and always does the earth turn slower. to die would be easy. to live in her absence, a crime against god.

cold winds blow. hope hides, hindered. buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo.

it will all be over soon.

Added March 21, 2016
This was maybe the most trying time in my entire life. Thinking of it, now, makes me sad.


Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

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