bartelsc – greyalbum

Until today I’d never listened to Danger Mouse’s mashup of Jay Z’s Black Album and The Beatles’ White Album.

This is why history will remember me as a failure.

Added March 21, 2016
Just listened to this a few days ago, even. It is the best mash-up in the history of mash-ups.

bartelsc – mambo no. 6

everyone is in india


or california





xanga collapsed. like a dying star. i found bits of star dust. i have recompiled. restructured.


not all is as it was.

but, then again, nothing is ever as it was.




once upon a time i was asked why i keep this thing, if nostaligia is worth it.




it used to be something akin to homesickness.


wistful thought about something happy in the past… or homesickness.








i need this old part of me. i don’t know why. i’ve said it a few times and will likely say it a few times, more, but the bottom line is that this is a part of me and i can’t willingly kill a part of me.


the universe tried to do it already, crushing xanga into a black hole and then nothing.



i don’t review it, though. haven’t for a long time. who has the minutes or hours of a day necessary for such a trip? not modern skyler.



past skyler wouldn’t mind a visit, but the skyler of today has too much going on. selling a house, work, lamenting, living in languid, lethargic lividity.






iowa has been very kind to me. i need to do something to show my appreciation

Added March 21, 2016
Many things in the world have changed, but many things have remained the same. I miss Iowa, sometimes. Sometimes, I feel like I’m still there. The world is a very strange place.

bartelsc – bixler-zavala

give me a moment to clean what you’ve stole
the streets will hang high, stretch ribs and let taste
we’ll cover the smell with silver nitrate
mending the cuts of your prosthetic faith

glossolalia covers my skin
glycerin and the turbulence
stuffed the voice inside of God
mirrors to the animals

Added March 21, 2016
My, how my musical tastes of changed.

bartelsc – she is in fresno

she lingers, still. on his mind, on his tongue. in their bed. but she is not there.

another day passes and a darkness fills his everything with greater ferocity and fervor.  it is a spectacle of macabre delights and saccharin defeats.

a call in the night and she fills the room with devine white light powerful enough to level cities. it is holy. it is dangerous. it completes and destroys. it is madness.

he will rise in the morning but fall each night. in both, he will be alone.

to him, time is eternal. and always does the earth turn slower. to die would be easy. to live in her absence, a crime against god.

cold winds blow. hope hides, hindered. buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo.

it will all be over soon.

Added March 21, 2016
This was maybe the most trying time in my entire life. Thinking of it, now, makes me sad.