Facebook – Top 100 FAVORITE Fictional Characters: 90

90: Bilbo Baggins
Created by: J.R.R. Tolkien for the books “The Hobbit” and “The Lord of the Rings”
First Appearance: 1937


Why? He gave up the One Ring. Few characters to carry it have been able to give it up. Bilbo totally did. It was after many years, and after a ton of time not even knowing what the fuck was going on in Middle-Earth, but at the end of the day, he let it go and lives a happy life, more or less, to the end of his days.

Aside from this, it should be noted that I love The Hobbit twice as much as I love Lord of the Rings in its various parts. As cool as dragons and dark lords and wars are, The Hobbit features a smaller, tighter cast of characters, central amongst them being the titular Bilbo, a stout and strong-willed little dude with a heart of gold and a level of ingenuity even he didn’t know he possessed (though, seemingly, Gandalf totally did… amongst others). His knack for solving troubles far more immense than himself saves the day more times in the book than the wizard accompanying the party of dwarves manages to.


And then, even after all is said and done, and he’s saved the world and survived his encounter with the slime-covered Gollum deeeeeeep within a dank cave system, he returns home and… lives a normal dude’s life for, like, a trillion years. He had his big adventure and, from that point on, he’s more or less content to simply live (of course now he is filthy stinking rich, on top of clearly smarter than others in his home town). He doesn’t really have to work ever again, but that simply means he’s cool just chilling, which I can totally support.

But these things pass in time and, eventually, he gets the adventure itch. And, without knowing what it is, without so much as a second thought as it leaves his hand, he passes the greatest weapon and treasure in the world to the floor, and in turn, to Frodo, and takes off. He, of course, yearns for it for the rest of his life, but he had not only the strength to outsmart trolls and dragons (I want to see Frodo or Strider say they outsmarted a dragon. A FUCKING DRAGON), but to give up that which corrupts and destroys, simply so he can stop being “butter spread over too much bread” and see mountains and shit, again.

So, why do I love Bilbo? He’s a great character on his own, showcasing the nature of inner-strength (of which we all possess… that’s the lesson of “The Hobbit” by the way, in case you were stupid) and allowed such growth, but then Tolkien, in his infinite wisdom, had the bring idea to give the character a delightful coda in his big-ass trilogy of books, allowing a beloved character a second chance to entertain and, more or less, live.



Favorite Portrayal:
Much as I like Ian Holm, the book version will never be topped. Granted, they are doing Hobbit films, currently, to come out next year. But I’ll hold my praise until I see it. Until then, nothing will ever top the book.

Favorite Quote:
“No hat, no stick, no pipe, not even a pocket handkerchief. How can one survive?”

Favorite Moment:
Taunting the fuck out of Smaug. What the fuck kind of balls must this little dude have? Granted, he was invisible, but still. He not only taunts him, steals from him, and berates him, but he also discerns the dragon’s weakness and, in the end, is the deciding factor in his death. Bad ass? You bet yours.

Added September 9, 2016
After three Hobbit movies, my opinion on Bilbo and the best portrayal has not changed. Little dude rocks and nothing, ever, will beat that book.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

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