Facebook – Comment Left by User speciman84 on an IGN Post About Catwoman in “Dark Knight Rises”

“Well we all know cat woman has an affinity for cats, and cats drink milk. Milk builds strong bones, and Bane is strong. Bane rhymes with Wayne, as in Bruce Wayne. Bruce Wayne is Batman and bats fly, meaning he will be flying in the new Batwing. The Batwing is black, the same color of leather that Catwoman wears. Leather is worn by bikers, meaning that Catwoman will be using the tumbler. Tumblr is a social networking website, Batman and Catwoman have an intricate social network within Gotham City. Gotham backwards is mahtog, which is eerily close to the game Mahjong. Mahjong is based on a classic Chinese game, hence the league of shadows where Bruce trained in China. Don’t you see people, it’s just all too obvious, Catwoman and the Batwing are one in the same. Catwoman is an airplane. Hence the casting decision to use Anne Hathaway. It’s all cut and dry, another case closed. I think we can all breath a sigh of relief and assure ourselves that Nolan knows exactly what he’s doing.”







Added September 27, 2016
I don’t know why I thought this was so funny, but I must have.
These days, my humor is more high-brow (no its not).