Facebook – Top 50 FAVORITE Animated Programs: 11

11: Duck Tales (1987-1990/Broadcast Syndication)


Here (upon clicking the following link) is my entire post in regards to the best show Disney ever produced for television, so good – in fact – that any commentary I have on its characters, setting, themes, animation style, awesome theme song, or high levels of fun would never be accurately described by my words:

Favorite Episode:
“Amour or Less” because it features the ridiculous concept of Scrooge finding magical love arrows lost by a goddess dozens of eons prior to the events of the show. This cartoon showcased tons of goofy shit, but this, I feel, takes the cake.

Favorite Character:
Show me a person that doesn’t love Gizmo Duck, and I’ll show you a person that I want to punch.

Added January 30, 2017
Man, how did I think posting a link to that video was going to be enough to cover this show? Jesus.
Having said that, I love that video.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

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