Facebook – Top 50 FAVORITE Animated Programs: 13

13: Muppet Babies (1984-1991/CBS)


When a theme song perfectly encapsulates an entire thesis of a program, you know you’ve got a damn fine show. Muppet Babies is all about the imagination, a powerful tool that all children possess and we, as adults, lose the ability to utilize more and more as we get older. The young Muppet characters get to have adventures, use the world of “make-believe” to their advantage (although sometimes it puts the youngsters in the way of great peril) and have fun that they wouldn’t really be able to within the confines of their nursery.

The characters are all people you know and love; Kermit, Piggy, Animal, Gonzo, and the rest of the group use clips from famous films (usually things like Star Wars and Indiana Jones, no less) to learn lessons that they then teach to the young viewer at the same time. Basic concepts that children should learn, like sharing, caring, respecting each other, and the like are all things the Muppets impart upon kids that watch the show. Of course, using wacky situations and locations to help get the point across assists in keeping kids both entertained and watching the program.


The music (including the aforementioned theme song) is also helpful, with many (if not all) of the episodes featuring a song that relates to the adventure of the day. And with a vast number of primary Muppet cast members (and a good number of cameo appearances by others, such as Beeker, the old critics, etc.), there are enough characters that kids may recognize from the Muppet’s excursions as seen on the big screen or on their variety show. When all is said and done, the show is good, clean fun that never does anything but aim to entertain children of all ages. I can get behind that (especially with all the fucking shows about ninjas these days… all of which suck. Each. And every. One.)


Favorite Episode:
“Hats! Hats! Hats!” is my all time favorite (and, incidentally, the second to last episode of the whole show) primarily because of the use of old critic Muppets, Statler and Waldorf. I don’t know why, but those fuckers are the greatest, ever, and any time I can see them, I laugh. The hats they bring to the kids aren’t that interesting, but their inability to view any of the kids’ imaginary scenarios as anything but annoying still cracks me up, today. 

Favorite Character:
Gonzo. Anyone that doesn’t love Gonzo in ANY form is a dumbass.

Added February 1, 2017
That part when Miss Piggy puts that tape or whatever down Gonzo’s pants and his eyes turn into the Death Star blowing up.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

3 thoughts on “Facebook – Top 50 FAVORITE Animated Programs: 13”

  1. Kyle Decker
    I remember loving this show when I was little. But even then being slightly ashamed to admit it. Didn’t this get syndicated on basic cable too? I want to say I remember Nickelodeon showing it for a number of years.
    May 27, 2011 at 9:29 pm


  2. Zak Bartels
    Man, I don’t remember the exact context, but there’s the scene where Piggy stuff a video tape down Gonzo’s overalls, and it gets a close up of his eyes which have the Death Star explosion in them. Random, and hilarious.
    May 27, 2011 at 10:07 pm


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