Facebook – Top 50 FAVORTIE Animated Programs: 14

14: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1987-1996/CBS)


If you know me at all, you’ll know that I love Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I’ve digested just about every fact I can about these motherfuckers and, while my devouring of their life stories has come to a slow pace these days (mainly because there is very little new info about the, seeing as how they haven’t had any kind of adventure in some time), I retain it all. And the first place I ever got to know Mike and Leo, Raph and Don, Splinter, April, and the rest… was sitting on my ass as a little kid, glued to the TV screen to watch them every Saturday morning as they did battle with the bad guys.

While this show isn’t really “deep” and the narrative isn’t overly reliant on chronology and/or continuity, the week-to-week adventures are really what made the show. Each episode featured the TMNT engaging in martial arts battles with some new enemy, often times Krang and his minions. Other times, the Fearsome Foursome had to fight other mutants, often times finding ways to befriend them in the process (Mondo Gecko, anyone? No? Oh, fine). The pleasant part of the show, though, was the interactions the four brothers had with each other. Each individual turtle had their own personality (clearly described in full during the shows catchy and popularity-inspiring theme song) and their maturity levels often times fluctuated between goof-offs and serious ass-kickers (when the situation called for it).


They based a successful comic series on this show (which was, in fact, inspired by a comic series in the first place). Movies were made, video games and action figures followed, a new cartoon and film were showcased in the 2000’s and there is constant talk of a reboot coming again, someday. But the ’87 cartoon is the thing most people my age will remember; we all grew up loving this show (if we were dudes or really smart girls) and had our favorite turtle. And even though the show got weirder and weirder as time went on (the “red sky” saga?) it remains a part of my childhood, and a bevvy of TMNT trivia is always traveling in tow.


Favorite Episode:
“Enter the Rat King” is my favorite fucking episode. Why? Because I’m stupid. Its awesome for a few reasons; first, it marks the first episode that the Shredder doesn’t show up in (27th episode, in total). But also because the Rat King is such an interesting character. He’s neither ally nor enemy, sometimes acting as both and many times acting as a neutral party, entirely. Also? He doesn’t like it when you call him “Rat King” but rather he appreciates the respect and honor of being called Lord Ha’ntaan. That’s right. I know the Rat King’s name.

Favorite Character:
Uh, the Shredder. Don’t be daft. Of course its The Shredder.

Added February 8, 2017
Man, don’t get me started on The Shredder.
I wish this show was on Netflix or something, then I could watch this and see if it holds up as well as I think it does(n’t).
There is a new ongoing cartoon and a movie franchise since the time of this posting. Neither are great.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

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