Facebook – Top 50 Animated Programs: 16

16: Dora the Explorer (2000-present/Nick)


No, not really. 

16: Batman Beyond (1999-2002/Kids WB)


It is very difficult to refrain from simply talking about how awesome Old Man Bruce Wayne is. So I won’t mention it again. The show features a new, teenage Batman living in a techno-cyber future world that Gotham City has become. While it at first seems like it is its own thing (like Marvel’s 2099 comic series), the show wisely – and phenomenally – uses it as a continuation of the previous Batman cartoon. Actually, it was made by most of the same team, down to the voice actors (if necessary). This meant we got Kevin Conroy as the elderly… well, I said I wasn’t going to talk about him, so….

Terry McGinnis was a different kind of Batman, and of course he was. While receiving help from his own Commissioner Gordon (awesomely utilizing Barbara Gordon from the previous show), his best friend and own version of Alfred, and receiving guidance from Wayne himself, Terry kicked ass and took names, fighting some of the coolest bad guys any of the animated DC universe ever had to throw at him, including a super cool (pun intended) battle with a defrosted Mr. Freeze. Throwbacks to Bane, Ra’s al Ghul, and even obvious ties to the Joker throughout the series run were welcome and helped mix old with new.


While not as good as the original Batman cartoon, Batman Beyond had its cool moments, some of which were highlighted in event outside the show’s very short run. A few episodes in Justice League Unlimited and – of course – the awesome straight-to-home-video release of Return of the Joker showcased how well put-together this series was, even if it had to go outside the box to get things done. Also, that opening theme song? For some reason I love the shit out of that thing. I’d provide a link to the opening titles on YouTube, but…


Favorite Episode:
“Meltdown” is the episode I mentioned before, where Mr. Freeze shows back up. Its tragic, heartbreaking, and over all other things, awesome. Using the same voice actor from the Animated Series, Freeze is more human, here, than in any other incarnation of his character. Worth the entire show just to see this episode, and thankfully (and regrettably) the fifth episode of the whole show. More awesome things followed, but I feel they never lived up to this 30 minutes. 

Favorite Character:
Old man Bruce. Sorry. Its just true.

Added February 10, 2017
HA! Dora! This is in reference to Young Skyler’s #17 pick of Powerpuff Girls and the backlash that ensued. You’ll see.
Again, here’s a show I wish I had because I’d watch it all day instead of working.
Hope my bosses never see this…

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

11 thoughts on “Facebook – Top 50 Animated Programs: 16”

  1. Ryan Marten Powell
    Really? You didn’t think the one where Talia showed up to give Bruce youth, and the old Batman theme played while he was fighting along side Terry didn’t live up to the Freeze ep?
    May 24, 2011 at 7:30 pm


  2. Skyler Bartels
    It was my second choice. That episode was almost perfect, but really – REALLY – depressing; did Talia die? What happened to her? Also, it raises a bunch of awful questions, like what his reaction to being a woman was.
    May 24, 2011 at 8:43 pm


  3. Holly Britton
    Hmmm, I agree that old Bruce Wayne is an awesome character, but I found Terry to be beyond obnoxious. To paraphrase, “there is only one Batman, and his name is Bruce Wayne” *folds arms*
    May 24, 2011 at 9:49 pm


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