Top 50 FAVORITE Animated Programs: 21

21: Darkwing Duck (1991-1995/ABC)


Does Darkwing Duck count as a spinoff show, being birthed from the far superior Duck Tales? Probably, I mean, it features  Launchpad and Gizmo Duck for Christ’s sakes, so probably. But this show took a different approach to Disney’s “duck universe” by creating a Batman-like character (although, to be fair, he was more like The Shadow, really). He fought crime, he had gadgets, and he had no super powers. Unlike his enemies who had them in spades. Yes, its true: Darkwing Duck was kinda lame and silly, but one of the best reasons to come home from school on time and sit down to watch cartoons.


When all is said and done, of course, the real hero of this show is the greatest sidekick in cartoon history: Launchpad McQuack, a guy who is more Han Solo than Robin. A carry-over from Duck Tales, he adds humor and slapstick comedy, while the other characters (all of whom are relatively new, for the most part) are simply stock villains and such. I don’t know, maybe I’m giving Launchpad too much talk? Who cares?

With all the fun of an action cartoon, with all the laughs of a comedy, and all of the slick animation that Disney could afford, Darkwing Duck was one of the best after-school/Saturday morning cartoons around. The theme song (and the titular character’s catchphrase, no less) are so memorable, anyone from this time period could immediately mention them. While not as good as Batman or Duck Tales, the show did its best to find some strange-yet-happy medium. And I can’t fault it for that.


Favorite Episode:
“Just Us, Justice Ducks” is the best episode, for the title alone. I don’t know why, but I still say it for no reason, at random, all the time. The episodes featured the good characters forming a team to take out the bad guys (led, no less, by Darkwing Duck’s evil clone, Nega-Duck). 

Favorite Character:
Do I really have to say?

Added February 16, 2017
This is a weak entry. This list, I think, suffered overall by being too bloated. Should have been Top 20 or maybe 25 at most. This show had no business being this high up the list. Thankfully, this makes up for it:

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

8 thoughts on “Top 50 FAVORITE Animated Programs: 21”

  1. Benjamin Chilcoat
    the more I look back at this, the more I realize it was the product of some corporate boardroom.
    “well, we need something new for our Saturday morning lineup.”
    “kids these days want something more edgy, more dark.”
    “but we’re Disney, we can’t do anything too disturbing.”
    “how about we capitalize on Duck Tales, just have some kind of Non-threatening but dark duck hero….”
    May 16, 2011 at 11:03 am


  2. Benjamin Chilcoat
    that said, it’s a testament to Disney’s caliber at the time that they had the artists, writers, and voice actors to make it work. not to mention the musicians. this, tale spin, and duck tales all had EXTREMELY catchy theme songs. (even Winnie the Pooh to a lesser extent)
    May 16, 2011 at 11:05 am


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