Facebook – Top 50 FAVORITE Animated Programs of All Time: 26

26: Sealab 2021 (2000-2005/Cartoon Network)


If you like your shows to be build primarily on sheer irreverence alone, look no further than Adult Swim’s Sealab 2021. The show, episodic and rarely based in any kind of discernible continuity, features a cast of characters from an older show, reutilized in a fashion that goes against the original purpose, entirely. Without a doubt, this show comedy concepts and follow-through are ground  – in their entirety – on the idea that random shit happened is hilarious. And, in this show, that premise is right on the money.

Taking place almost 100% of the time in the underwater base the show is named after, 2021 follows the (mis)adventures of its crew and staff as they supposedly try to help the environment or something. The original show was a green-initiative-based program, but it ran for only so many episodes. THIS show, which reuses all the art, is voiced expertly to bring situations to “life” that drive jokes home, and hard. A wide range of topics, sight gags, and pop-culture references run rampant throughout the show, leaving viewers scratching their heads, sometimes, but most of the time busting a gut laughing.


The cast of characters is great, the episodes often times feature one or two classic quotable lines (if not more), and wile the show’s quality did drop at the passing of Harry Goz (who was replaced by his son in a less-than-stellar role), it still maintained its quirk and its charm. Also, the theme song is infectiously catchy. While the crude style and presentation may leave a bit to be desired, the show (all of which you can watch on Adult Swim’s website, mind you. For free!) is worth it all just for the hope that you too can “ride the Stimutacs.”


Favorite Episode:
“Radio Free Sealab” – just for “Howling Mad Dog Murphy” and his crank calls. Also, every time the FCC is on screen is a goldmine of comedy.

Favorite Character:
Murphy. Don’t be an idiot.

Added February 23, 2017
So, I literally just sat through an episode of this before posting it back up. And you know what?
It is strange as hell. I watched “Red Dawn” and it made me laugh in the parking lot at work so much I debated calling in sick to go home and play Final Fantasy XV.
What… you thought I’d say “go home and watch Sealab”?? Are you stupid?

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

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