Facebook – Top 50 FAVORITE Animated Programs: 27

27: The World of David the Gnome (1985-87/TVE-Nickelodeon)


Ah, David the Gnome. Aaron Jaco will no doubt be furious that this gets placed in the back half, but – ah well, such is life! Between this show and Maya the Bee, my childhood was based on these bizarre-ass animated programs that taught lessons about nature, primarily, followed by lessons about friendship and being generous and shit. But, when it comes to David the Gnome, who cares about that crap? The show had trolls, magic, and a title character that spent a ton of time as a “doctor” treating his patients (who were mostly animals, mind you) with hypnosis and acupuncture.


The show featured a ton of cool sequences with animals, such as David’s bird friend that would carry him anywhere. I recently watched a few episodes of this show again just to bring myself up to speed (and verify that it belongs on this list – which it really, really does) and let me tell you this; he uses that bird a whole hell of a lot. Usually to escape trolls and/or gnome poachers (Gnome poachers!), but not as much as his friend, Swift the Fox. These two companions save his life so often, the show really should be about them.

Interestingly, the show’s greatest lesson on life turned out to be the fact that no one escapes death, not even favorite cartoon characters; David’s people only live to 400 years of age, exactly. Then they die. Since he’d been 399 the entire run of the show’s two seasons, the finale had him going to his final resting place with his wife and friend. Swift can’t come though, because David doesn’t want him to see him frigging die. Its very tragic, sad, and – at the same time – harrowingly eerie to put in a kids show!


Favorite Episode:
“David to the Rescue” – because David tricks a troll into a dancing contest until the sun comes up. I always loved that scene for some reason. Maybe because I hate trolls.

Favorite Character:
Swift. Fuck you if you disagree.

Added February 24, 2017

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

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