Facebook – Top 50 FAVORITE Animated Programs of All Time: 40

40: Rocko’s Modern Life (1993-1996/Nickelodeon)

“Nicktoons” – as they came to be known – were a mixed bag. Many of them were simple narrative cartoons about kids (at some age: Doug, Rugrats, etc.) but a good number of them were simply about being gross and awful (Ren and Stimpy, anyone?). Rocko’s Modern Life fit right on the line between the two by featuring disgusting characters who were actually funny, showcased natural character development throughout the show’s run, and even introduced bigger issues throughout the show just for older kids to pick up on, internalize, and understand.

Following the adventures of a wallaby named Rocko, his cow friend, Heffer, and the obviously Jewish turtle, Filburt. Basically, the name of the show described the flavor very well; the characters would encounter situations in which they would experience daily life, obviously featuring mishap and slapstick comedy along the way. But sometimes bigger issues came up, like the interracial marriage of two of the main characters, the large and destructive family matters of the Bighead brood, and the concept of people “going on strike” – and all the ramifications of each of these ideas. This provided laughs, but – interestingly enough – a look at society that wasn’t really featured in kids cartoons at the time.

Of course, at the end of the day, the grossness of the show, paired with the bizarre plotlines (Filburt sings like Sinatra for, you know, no reason…), Rocko’s accent, and the idiocy of his dog, Spunky, are all that is necessary to make the show immediately watchable. The show didn’t last long, but it was there and it presented quite a lot of laughs.

Favorite Episode:
Wacky Delly. It is surreal, channels David Lynch, and features some of the best material. Seriously. I’m watching it after I finish this post.

Favorite Character:
Hutch, or Dr. Hutchison. Filburt’s cat wife is the best character. “KAY!?!” I just really like what she brought to the show, and the fact that she was only brought to the show because Nickelodeon demanded a “strong female character” be introduced. DEMANDED.

Added March 17, 2017
Man, so on a whim I watched Wacky Deli about two weeks ago because I had Heffer singing the theme song come to mind. That episode is a masterpiece of televised entertainment and I don’t know how on Earth they got that aired. It has nothing for kids. NOTHING.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

22 thoughts on “Facebook – Top 50 FAVORITE Animated Programs of All Time: 40”

  1. Kyle Decker
    Also, don’t forget the episode where Rocko marries Filbert temporarily for a green card.

    Same-sex marriage AND immigration?!? This show as incredibly groundbreaking and not just for a “kid’s” show.

    Chokey-Chicken anyone?
    February 25, 2011 at 2:55 pm


  2. Kyle Decker
    Also I love the running gag with Hutch and her puns about her past jobs.

    “I thought you were a dentist..”
    “I was. But I got tired of looking down in the mouth.”

    “I thought you were a surgeon.”
    “I was. But I just couldn’t cut it.”
    February 25, 2011 at 2:59 pm


  3. Phillip J. VerBeke

    “The All-Scottish Show Organ Exchange Program… I sold my second stomach… FOR CASH!” I almost laughed up a lung when I was 6 when I heard that line…
    February 28, 2011 at 8:35 pm


  4. Kyle Decker
    The second in command on this show, Stephen Hillenburg, had to take over the show for the final season. Joe Murray left “to deal with some personal things he had been putting off.” Hillenburg would go onto create SpongeBob Squarepants and rack in untold amounts of fucking mad insane cash.
    March 2, 2011 at 5:36 pm


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