Top 50 FAVORITE Animated Programs of All Time: 43

43: Rugrats (1991-2004/Nickelodeon)

Yes, this is a kids cartoon. And, in 1991 I was a kid. I was six years old and I loved the shit out of these stupid ass hole kids. Not as much as the Muppet Babies, mind you, but… well, we’ll get to them in due time. For now, the adventures of Tommy, Phil, Lil, and Chuck Finster (yes, full name) were cool, oddly animated, and featured tons of neat things. Plus, an episode where they cross-dress Tommy for shits, giggles, and the possibility of big prizes. And, really, what’s not to love about a little boy being dressed like a girl? I for one, could relate. Wait, what did I just…?

So, the animation was cooky as all fuck, the episodes were random but inspired, and we got to see the world through the eyes of these characters. The way the kids saw the adult world was always a little askew, often times made more grand or surreal than it really was. Their inability to comprehend things led to funny situations, most notably when they heard their gerbils were leaving “presents” everywhere and, excited, they went looking for toys and gifts, only to find “gerdle poop” – a thing I still say and smile about.

The show spawned a few movies, a follow-up about the kids as teenagers (which I didn’t get behind because, well, no one got punched, no guns were fired, and I was way too fucking old for that), and some later seasons which – while better animated – were not up to the quality presented in the early seasons. For that, it gets a nod, but not as big a nod as it could have gotten.

Favorite Episode:
Whichever one has Tommy figuring out how to break out of daycare… Wikipedia tells me its called “The Big House” so, you know, thank god for Wikipedia. The episode channels a lot of Maggie breaking out of day care from the early seasons of the Simpsons, but does result in high laughs as Tommy gets everyone to work together to get the fuck out, only to be rescued by his mom at the last minute.

Favorite Character:
Tommy’s dad, Stu Pickles. This guy is going to be me, someday; poorly dressed, ugly as sin, unshaven, and enjoying spending time playing rather than working. Can’t wait.

Added March 28, 2017
I am slowly becoming Stu Pickles. It is as exhilarating as I’d hoped.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

10 thoughts on “Top 50 FAVORITE Animated Programs of All Time: 43”

  1. Kyle Decker
    I still get a kick out of the babies’ mispronunciations or “using a similar sounding but wrong word.” One of my best friends has a 4 year old daughter and she has discovered Rugrats thanks to NetFlix and we’ll occasionally all sit and watch. While she remains perplexed that “Unca Kyle used to watch dis show?” Yes, little one. He did.

    Also, were you aware that Peter Chung was the character designer and one of the animators? Yes.. THAT Peter Chung.
    February 16, 2011 at 4:54 pm


  2. Chelsea Kelly
    Lol!! Holy crap, you totally would be Stu!!!

    One of my favorite episodes was the one where they go to the movies. It was REALLY early in the series and I always got a laugh out of the two teenage guys pulling various part time jobs.
    February 16, 2011 at 4:55 pm


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