Facebook – Top 50 FAVORITE Animated Programs of All Time: 45

45: American Dad (2005-now/FOX)

So, I mean, yeah this show is better than Family Guy. Denial of this just goes to show common ignorance. The characters are better developed and interesting, the jokes are better, and the storyline relies far less on cut-away gags to fill 30 minutes, instead, they use the time to actually TELL stories. For that, it gets tons of props.

But the real reason I actually like this show is because I find the primary family to be a much better cast of characters. The Smiths seem like a family of stereotypical sitcom caricatures; strong valued father, understanding mother, nerdy son, rebellious daughter. Then throw an alien and talking goldfish in for good measure. But, unlike the talking dog on Family Guy, these characters fit into the overarching narrative flow and have been made sense of within the context of the show.

With tons of guest spots – including the often times uproarious commonly recurring voice talents of Patrick Stewart as Stan’s boss within the CIA – and material that pokes fun at a more narrowed area of interest, American Dad proves to be far funnier and engaging overall than its cousin, Family Guy. ’nuff said. Plus, Roger wears about 500 million different “disguises” over the first half-dozen seasons, each one different than the last. Props.

Favorite Episode:
I laughed the hardest at “Merlot Down Dirty Shame” – an episode in which Roger keeps knocking people unconcious and burying them alive to continually hide a secret drunken makeout he had with Stan’s wife. The fact that he is dressed – the entire episode – as Paul Giamatti in “Sideways” helps out, too. His desperation cracked me up, but really its all about Steve’s lucid dream sequences and the aftermath of him being tricked into thinking he was living one while actually awake. Seeing him grab that girl, jump out the window, and end up getting her impaled on a fence was shocking and hilarious.

Favorite Character:
Francine. Just because she’s continually changing over the course of the show. Favorable.

Added March 31, 2017
After all these years I’ll admit it: This show isn’t great and I’ve probably only seen a dozen episodes, maybe a few more. This is here because I upped the total number of shows on the list to 50 when it should have been the 20 or so I was going to start out with.
Feels good to get that off my chest.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

5 thoughts on “Facebook – Top 50 FAVORITE Animated Programs of All Time: 45”

  1. Kyle Decker
    I never really got into American Dad that much. It sure does get a chuckle. The Vietnam War Reenactment episode was hilarious.

    But it certainly is more focused in its satire than its predecessor. And also jokes that come more organically from the characters and situations. Instead of the non-sequitur, cutaway approach
    February 14, 2011 at 3:56 pm


  2. Kyle Decker
    I propose a betting pool on how long it takes before Aaron Jaco gets tired of saying “David the Gnome is better.”

    My money is on that he does not.
    February 14, 2011 at 9:23 pm


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