Facebook – Top 100 FAVORITE Video Games: 4

TRON: Legacy took over, yesterday, in many ways, but the real reason I didn’t post was because I had to sit down – seriously – and evaluate whether or not I believed in the placement of these final four games. I had to convince myself that today’s game – #4 – was really going to go in the fourth slot or not. I had to stick to my convictions, though, remembering that its still #4 out of over 100 games that I’ve played in my life. And so, with great hesitation I present:

4: Final Fantasy VII (PS1/PC)
Developer: SquaresoftYear: 1998


However many years ago it was, now, that I did this list, FFVII was #1 on the list. Without question. The game holds such a significant place in my life, in my heart, and in my mind. I don’t even know why. I really don’t. The game has so many issues – thing I’ve noticed over the years after having played through it over a dozen times, now – and it doesn’t hold up today at all. The game is easy as shit, you know, in comparison to any of the re-releases of older games and, really, easier than X or XII (but not XIII, that’s for sure), the graphics are blocky and crappy, and the midi soundtrack leaves a ton to want out of it. But, when all is said and done and the poop is wiped away from the game, what I’m left with is such an important game that I can’t remove it from my history, no matter how hard I (would never) try.

As mentioned previously on the list, FFVII was a random-chance game that I borrowed off my friends the Samsons. And on PC, since I don’t think any of us owned a Sony system at that point. I wasn’t into RPGs at all, period, and had never played one, so I don’t know why I checked this game out. But I sure as hell did. The feeling I got learning how to do any of the stuff I was learning to do washed over me in an instant, making me abandon the thrice-praised Jet Force Gemini in favor of FFVII’s cinematic adventure. I didn’t know how to level raise, I didn’t know how to equip new items or magic powers, and I didn’t know how to balance stats. I had to learn everything from the word go and, from what I’ve heard, this was the case for many gamers that started in the Playstation generation; having never played a Final Fantasy game (or likely an RPG) before, Final Fantasy VII quickly became the favored one, and the one to beat.

the translation, on the other hand, was easy to beat

I was one of those wusses that cried over Aeris’ death, but it was intensified because I knew she was gonna bite it (thanks, Samson clan! SPOILER ALERT!). As such, I used to her all the damn time in the hopes that she’d become a valued member of the team (protip: she really isn’t that great at all in the game after you get Cid and/or Vincent). My emotions were on a roller-coaster ride throughout the game from the moment she dropped into the water – rage filled me in my quest to destroy Sephiroth, Shinra, and the rest of those jerks, but at the same time I had such empathy for these characters, all of whom were suffering from woes of their own, outside of the direct conflict before them. Never before had I played a 60+ hour narrative, never had I gotten to know deep characters so well, and never had I cared about their adventures on a personal level. FFVII changed how I played games.

So, you know, its fair to really say that this game’s place in my heart is because of luck, timing, and good fortune smiling upon me; had I played any of the previous FF titles (IV or VI in particular) I probably would have had the same reaction, at least somewhat. But VII came when it did and opened up an entire genre of games that I never would have even been interested in, a franchise full of great titles that is ever-expanding and (maddeningly) just now reaching a high stink-point, and presented this game world that – while getting a bit over-the-top, now – continues to grow with each new piece of the “Compilation of FFVII” that is released. So, while its fair to say that thing about timing, it doesn’t change the fact that it altered the way I played games, looked at games, or – seriously – storytelling as a whole.

All in all, Final Fantasy VII changed my life as far as video games are concerned. In the days before it graced my life with its presence I was playing N64 games, crummy shooters on the PC, and the like (er, Half-Life wasn’t a crummy shooter, though). Every single RPG I’ve purchased since has been thanks to VII’s nearly perfect presentation, seamless battles, epic soundtrack (for the time. Orchestral versions of those songs are still kickass, however), and deeply interesting characters and magic (Materia!) system. Without FFVII I don’t know what kind of gamer I’d be, probably someone playing Call of Duty all the time instead of someone interested in stories. Thank God things went the way they did.

Classic Moment:
I really do love this whole game, but if I had to squeeze one single moment or section from the game, I would have to say its the first time I stepped outside of Midgar and found an entire world to explore. Having spent hours upon hours sitting in that walled-off city, the world map (remember, my first world map ever) was a sight! Running across the plains, doing battle with wild beasts, avoiding the Midgar Zolom, and acquiring my very first Chocobo was just a magical experience. It really does pain me to place FFVII’s epicness down here at #4, but after all these years, its still sticking it out as one of the greatest games I’ve ever played and that’s something special.

Added April 14, 2017
Just got my Platinum trophy for the remaster on PS4, last year. It was the first time I’d beaten Ruby Weapon. It was a treat and an honor as I’d not beaten him once in oh so many years. My first experience with super bosses was this game and I’d finally toppled one that had eluded me that whole time.
This game will forever hold up for me, but will never be in the top two, again, likely. Even after the remake.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

19 thoughts on “Facebook – Top 100 FAVORITE Video Games: 4”

  1. Justin Carrothers
    Under “Defeating Ruby Weapon”, look up the tip submitted by “SMackALIVE”. That was a snippet of a much longer guide I produced when I first got this game. It was my first PSX purchase, and the sole reason I got the system. To date, it’s the only game I’ve writen about online.
    December 17, 2010 at 4:32 pm


  2. Megan ‘Eidem’ Adkins
    I played this game for about 30 minutes because Chris insisted it was sweet and somehow got lost and got bored and decided to play Guitar Hero instead. That was four years ago.
    December 17, 2010 at 5:29 pm


  3. Zak Bartels
    Just thinking about how this was our first RPG, when I was kind of on and off watching you play the beginning you had mentioned that Barrett died and I was like, “already? Geez…” Then I saw him on your team later and I was so confused. Cause I didn’t know how ko and Phoenix Downs and shit worked.
    December 17, 2010 at 6:08 pm


  4. Kyle Decker
    That moment when you step out of Midgar onto the world map is intense. That’s when it hits you: this shit is just getting started,

    My classic moment is when Tifa dives into Cloud’s psyche to pull him out of the Mako poisoning coma. Especially when it becomes apparent that Cloud has been projecting himself into Zack’s history, and that bits of his life are a lie. But that the true version is much more heroic.
    December 18, 2010 at 12:44 pm


  5. Aaron W. Jaco
    I started reading The Bible for about 30 minutes because someone said it was deep and life-changing but somehow got confused and impatient so I read the back of a cereal box instead. That was four years ago.
    December 19, 2010 at 4:15 pm


  6. Aaron W. Jaco
    You didn’t hear the end of my story. I read the cereal box for 3 minutes but I didn’t understand so I decided to read the text on a restaurant matchbook. That was four years ago.
    December 19, 2010 at 4:44 pm


  7. Aaron W. Jaco
    True wisdom lies not in seeing where one is going, but where one began. I had a vision illuminating every detail about where you began. That was four years ago.
    December 19, 2010 at 8:55 pm


  8. Leah Houchin
    i want to “like” the entire discussion between Aaron and Megan right here. good times.

    re: ff7… the music is fantastic, and having come from the SNES final fantasy games, i was blown away by the graphics (boxy as they are) and thought it was the prettiest thing ever. however, i was not (and still am not) a skillful enough game player to ever make it all the way through the damn thing, and i still haven’t seen how it ends! i watched someone play through almost the entire thing once and then he decided to beat it on his own time and wouldn’t do the end battle again for me. sigh. incidentally, josh recently downloaded an emulator so he could play through it (his first FF game, i think) so i’m excited to watch! we just got outside of midgar, not even to the second disc yet. fun times ahead.

    for the record, though, ff6 is my favorite of the series. 🙂
    December 20, 2010 at 4:19 pm


  9. Skyler Bartels
    Yeah, this convo going on between those two is just stupid. but i sure do enjoy reading its continual decent into awesomeness.

    as for ff7 vs ff6, you know i’ve argued for years and years what my stance was on the better game. it should be noted, however, that ff6 hasn’t yet been on the list, if it will be at all… :O
    December 20, 2010 at 4:21 pm


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