Facebook – Top 100 FAVORITE Video Games: 10

As we enter into the top 10, I’ve decided not to reveal – at least, by image – the title of the game taking this spot. The Top 10 games for me haven’t really changed that much, I don’t think, but the inclusion of a few here and there have mixed it up somewhat. For example, the last time I produced a list like this, the game in the #10 slot was the original Resident Evil. The game in the slot, today, was #14. Again, that was six-to-seven years ago. Anyhow:

10: System Shock 2 (PC)
Developer: Irrational Games/Looking Glass Studios
Year: 1999

To explain my love for this game, you have to understand a few things about me, as a gamer. First, I love to be scared, if I can be. This means shit jumping out, creepy music, good sound effects, and – of course – a tight, horrifying plot. In this first regard, System Shock 2 had everything in spades. The narrative was awesome, even if you hadn’t played the original game (I hadn’t, the first time I’d played this game). And there’s a reason why I love Shodan so damn much; she’s a great villain with creepiness and intelligence. To compare, President Eden in Fallout 3 is – in the end – like a human. He has opinions, ideas, and other things that can be changed. Shodan doesn’t. Add to her eeriness the fact that the monsters sometimes talk to you (the half-nude Midwifes tell you to “come to mother”), the audio logs are terrifying in their own right, and the scenery (particularly near the end of the game) is gross and downright disturbing. Overall, the game does its scares justice.

just the coolest bitch in cyberspace

But without a tight plot, no game’s scares would be enough. Silent Hill 4 would have made this list for scares alone if there weren’t better storylines to be found elsewhere. No, the narrative must be strong, and SS2 – again – produces its scares through great scripting. Forget Shodan (well, who can really?). The game that really started the audio log craze, System Shock 2 features hours upon hours of scripted logs you collect and listen to, delving yourself deeper into the story about what happened aboard the military/science ship, the “Von Braun” and – eventually – the “Rickenbacker”. Its a terrible series of events that lead to murders, deaths, suicides, and the worst of humanity being shown in both man and monster, machine and computer, all with Shodan at its core. Eventually “meeting” with those last few that aim to help you results in the now famous twist which Bioshock stole outright. While touching, the shock of finding out that nothing is what it seems is far better pulled off in space than under water.

The gameplay mechanics – i.e. the thing that makes the game fun – are also important for a game to be considered great and/or Top 10 material, and thankfully… this game makes the grade for a number of reasons. Its not the in depth RPG elements, the gun customization and upgrade system, or the awesome balance between powers and weapons. No, its the fact that all of these things are balanced well with each other. Say what you will about Deus Ex, Bioshock, or any other FPS-style game with upgrades and power-ups and RPG elements… they all aspire to be System Shock 2. You’ll have 100 different ways to make your character indestructible as he hacks (both with melee weapons and technical and computer prowess). Of all the innovations System Shock 2 brought to the table, balancing these finely tuned elements is the top of the pops (top of the pops? Jesus).

All in all, System Shock 2 redefined what a FPS could posses in regards to overall awesomeness. Ahead of its time in nearly every way, SS2 scared the pants off me a few Christmases back when I replayed it for the second time (with the kickass reskin job the mod community put forth for lovers of the game, everywhere). The fact that people still love this game, still rank Shodan at the top of best bad guy lists, and still remake this game over and over again lends itself to greatness. If you haven’t played this game, find yourself a copy. You’ll be the king of the universe, immediately.

Classic Moment:
The moment Shodan reveals herself to you is immensely awesome. You go forward the whole game thinking the lady talking to you is your friend… but when it comes around that its actually Shodan (spoilers, by the way) you are left with no choice but to continue on, thinking you’re going to save the world, all the while knowing she’s going to keep backstabbing you over and over again. Why? Because you simply must.

Added April 12, 2017
I love this game and am hyped for the remake of the original. I hope it ends up on PS4 (just read it IS going to make it, there!) and then there’s OtherSide’s upcoming System Shock 3 to look forward to. Should be a great string of titles in the coming years and I for one endorse being excited about all of it.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

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