Frequently Mentioned Truths – Mandangophonic Sound Spectacular

New Hooverphonic moves me in ways I can’t even suggest other people try to understand. It just does.


New singer, Noémie Wolfs, is no Arnaert, but is a dream all the same.

Somedays the fact that this band is such a part of my life is all I need to get through to tomorrow.

Current Location: interwebs
Current Mood: jubilantjubilant

Current Music: Hooverphonic – The Night Before

Added March 23, 2016
Since Nov. 2010, Alex must have lost his mind. The most recent album is such garbage. I miss Noémie, which I can’t believe I’m saying after her second Hooverphonic album, “Reflection” – just goes to show you; things can always get worse.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

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