Facebook – Top 100 FAVORITE Video Games: “…Because Good is Dumb”

A good game narrative has to have someone on the opposing side of the player character, someone to wage battle after battle against. Without someone interesting on the other side of the line between good and evil, the player has little motivation to keep playing. Stopping some world-ending plot is essential, in this way.

So, who are my 10 favorite bad guys in gaming? Well, let’s go!

Top 10 Antagonist(s) in Video Games:

10. Saren (Mass Effect)

you can convince this guy to shoot himself!

There are a number of reasons to like Bioware’s first major bad guy in the ME series, but primary amongst them is his ultimate level of bad-assness upon a flying platform. The guy flies around like a Green Goblin clone (so, like Hobgoblin, I guess) and answers to the Reapers, that super-sentient race of machines that wants to destroy everything in the universe. Cool guys, those. But its his arrogance based upon being a Specter that really makes him interesting, because he thinks he can get away with anything. And, for the most part, does!

9. Eve (Parasite Eve)

this chick eventually melts to death!

What makes Eve so interesting is that she totally destroys Melissa, the chick whose body she takes over. Once Eve pops up, that chick is dead. 100%. In video games, you usually at least know the person who becomes evil, but Aya didn’t know this chick at all, she was just some singer. At the end of the game, there’s no talk of even saving her, just destroying Eve. When Eve finally melts in a puddle of herself, no one sheds a tear for Melissa, the optimistic opera singer. Alas!

8. Darth Malak (Knights of the Old Republic)

pre-vader headgear

Darth Malak gets points right out the gate for being a dick. I mean, that’s all he is; a power-hungry dick. At least Palpatine wanted to lead the galaxy. He wanted power, sure, but he wanted to run it all. Malak – for all you ever get to really know him – just wants to fuck up Jedi everywhere he can. Also, he gets immediate bonus points for blowing up the worst starting level of any game, ever: Taris. If I ever have to go back to Taris in any game, ever, I’ll kill myself. Force bless you, Malak. You ugly, jawless bastard.

7. The Turks (Final Fantasy VII)

plus i’d screw elena 100%

Not the primary antagonists of the game, true, but these guys are so much fun as hired enemies. Each one has a different skill set and each one brings something different to the table in relation to commentary on the events taking place in the world. And, for the love of crap, at one point they stand around talking about whether or not Tifa or Aeris is hotter. They have started to become comic relief, for the most part, in all extended “Compilation” materials, but seeing Reno and Rude together at any time is a treat, in my book.

6. Wesker (Resident Evil series)

not pictured: wesker sleeping with the ultimate failure

I’m going to go out on a limb and say that Wesker – while not the best antagonist in any game, ever – is the most annoyingly difficult to defeat. At least mainstay enemies like Bowser and – coming up – Ganondorf get beaten every time. Wesker just vanishes and is always mentioned, even in games where he isn’t seen. Resident Evil 4 doesn’t even have any need to name-drop him, but there goes Ada Wong, shooting her mouth about him. By the time 5 came around and you finally get to kill the fucker, its a breath of fresh air, but all events leading up to that were a confusing mess of fun and plot holes.

5. Ganondorf (Legend of Zelda series)

bwa ha ha ha

A timeless enemy with a thirst for power. Sounds like… a very stereotypical enemy. But what sets this guy apart is his recent interactions with Link, Zelda, and the world of Hyrule. I mean, in Twilight Princess he isn’t even seen in game-time until the final acts, and in Wind Waker he seems like a mysterious old man with great power, rather than a tyrannical jackass that runs around on a black horse. Plus, usually he manages to take over the world at some point, like in Ocarina of Time. I mean, that’s impressive.

4. The Combine (Half-Life 2)

jus’ sittin’ here, gettin’ older every minute

So these assholes show up and take over the planet in less than a day, then run it into the ground over the following years. One of the things that makes them so interesting, though, is their namesake: by “combining” the human race into their own force, they take over Earth in a much more efficient manner. Using scare tactics to turn humans into Overwatch and by gutting and mentally destroying others to turn them into slaves, the Combine are real dicks. Of further note, they’d done it to the Vortigaunt race prior to the events of the first game.

3. GLaDOS (Portal)

[some cake joke]
This one is easy; no better villain has been written in the past few years of gaming. Comical, homicidal, and overly calculating, GLaDOS earns points for being horrifying while being hilarious. And, when you finally meet up with her at the end of Portal, you get to understand many of the things she’s done to Aperature Science since the time before the game even started. She’s one messed up bitch and, with any hope, written just as well in Portal 2.

2. Shodan (System Shock series)


People that don’t give Shodan props either haven’t played System Shock 2 or they are jerks. And stupid. Every moment of Bioshock is based on System Shock 2, with all the twists about the bad guy being ripped right from the way Shodan treats the player, years before. Creepy as shit, Shodan irks the player into following orders that benefit her as well as keeping the player alive. She basically works you into helping her at the same time, leading to the final, inevitable confrontation that – with any hope – won’t be the final one, forever.

1. Kefka (Final Fantasy VI)

why so serious?

Say what you will about me not giving this – or any – spot to Sephiroth from FFVII, but the fact of the matter is that Kefka is the best Final Fantasy antagonist in the series, and the best in gaming history. The guy just likes death and destruction, even accomplishes destroying the world. And all with a smile on his face! The power-mad clown poisons towns because its quick and easy (and dirty) and doesn’t give a rats ass who dies to get what he wants. Plus, he’s got an epic final-battle song. Oh, and an epic final battle, too!

Honorable MentionDalton (Chrono Trigger)

the once and future king

Liking Dalton is easy, if for other reason than the fact that he, like Red Bull, gives you wings. That’s right, the Epoch wouldn’t be able to fly around if this guy hadn’t gotten a hold of it. Queen Zeal’s top enforcer thinks himself ruler of the world for a small time, but not before being thrust into a time portal by accident. What happened to him after that? Its all debatable, but what isn’t is how funny he was and how he belched as an attack. Also, he could summon those goddamned golem twins. Those goddamned twins…

))((As always, sound off with your favorite bad guys in gaming, and tell me how wrong I am! I love it!

Added April 4, 2017
This is an incredibly solid list of bad guys, though these days I’d likely want to find a place for Asriel from Undertale in there. Or The Player, if you know what is up.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

18 thoughts on “Facebook – Top 100 FAVORITE Video Games: “…Because Good is Dumb””

  1. Kyle Decker
    Ares from God of War made for a good antagonist. The worst thing you can do to a man is take his family away from him. Ares not only does this to Kratos but actually tricks the poor bastard into killing his family himself. So not only does Ares strip Kratos of the last lingering bits of his humanity in the worst possible way (or so it would seem), but he does so under the impression that he’s helping him by “making him a better warrior” which just twists the knife by showing how immensely out of touch the gods are with man.

    Dr. Wily: I can wipe the floor with the master robots each and every time. But once I hit this assholes levels everything comes to a goddamn standstill. And the very fact that when you die you have to start ALL OVER AGAIN is just plain EVVVVVIIIIILLL. Are there better villains? Sure. but few have made me say “Fuck this game!” with more consistency. Plus there are never any variations in his plan no matter how many times you stop him. Since the definition of madness is doing the same thing and expecting a different result… this guy takes the cake (See also Dr. Robotnik.)
    November 20, 2010 at 12:45 pm


  2. Skyler Bartels
    Brad: GLaDOS is one of the greatest characters in video game history, but she’s not a better “bad guy” than Kefka or, to be honest, Shodan – the computer bitch that preceded her. Much as I love Portal and the writing featured for the character, she just doesn’t hold the same weight.

    Kyle: No luck on the sidekick business. Although maybe…

    Zak: You know it.
    November 20, 2010 at 1:25 pm


  3. Skyler Bartels
    Fontaine is just Shodan, as mentioned. While interesting, he is literally going through the same scripting motions that Shodan had in SS2, so many years prior.
    November 20, 2010 at 1:31 pm


  4. Skyler Bartels
    The only two I really think can cut the mustard are Liquid Snake and Revlolver Ocelot. And, having not played 4, it seems unfair of me to really rate either of them and claim to know what I’m talking about. So, I left them off the list.

    Having said this, Mantis was right there beside Dalton as my honorable mention.
    November 20, 2010 at 1:38 pm


  5. Adam Jaco
    Oh, and one more name to toss in here. For anyone that has played one or more game in the “Dynasty Warriors” franchise, I think we all know one of the biggest bad-asses in video gaming history is Lu Bu. I mean, these are games where you can kill thousands of people on one map, but as soon as you get word that Lu Bu has appeared you run the fuck away.

    Oh, and Pyramid Head. How dare you forget Pyramid Head.
    November 20, 2010 at 1:42 pm


  6. Adam Jaco
    I suppose there is a distinction to be made between bad guys and “antagonists”… But if The Turks made the list then Pyramid Head probably could have too.
    November 20, 2010 at 1:48 pm


  7. Skyler Bartels
    Well, the primary reason Pyramid Head doesn’t make the list is the same reason that the Spider Mastermind from Doom doesn’t make the list; midnless killing machine with no personality or real character. Just another monster to kill. While the Pyramid Head does have some traits that make it stand out, its really just another monster in Silent Hill, same with the Legs-on-Legs or the Nurses.

    The Turks, on the other hand, have personalities and character traits that set them apart from Shinra guards that you kill, or any other humanoid enemy you fight, wave after wave.

    Otherwise, the Red Pyramid fails to make the list because he isn’t even an antagonist if you assume that, really, James is the only antagonist in the entire game. Which can be debated, but not here. We’ll wait until the SH2 review shows up, I think.
    November 20, 2010 at 1:51 pm


  8. Skyler Bartels
    Haven’t played Earthbound (I know, I know!) but would love to do so in a non-emulated format someday. I tried it via emulation once and just got bored, but I’m that way with any controller-based game I try to play on a keyboard.
    November 20, 2010 at 4:11 pm


  9. Jason Sauer
    Loved Nohman and Anubis from Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner. If you haven’t played it and can find it for cheap, I’d highly recommend picking it up.
    November 20, 2010 at 4:35 pm


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