Top 100 FAVORITE Video Games: “Meet the New Boss”

If you are going to kill anything in a game, it likely has boss battles to make it more difficult, and to help break up the monotony of bashing the same henchman’s head in over and over for hours on end. Video games have boss fights for two reasons, mostly: to help tell story through exposition or to be a huge challenge. Some of the best parts of any game are its boss battles, leaving the player relieved when they are over. For this list, I’ve compiled the 10 most memorable boss fights in my life, but also those that provided the most challenge or entertainment value. Also, you know, the coolest ones…

Top 10 Boss Fights in Video Games:

10: Volvagia  (Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time)
After spending all that time looking for the Megaton Hammer and not burning alive, watching this giant worm leak out of its lava-holes is a sight. Volvagia is awesome to watch as it flies through the air, a totally different looking boss than those seen prior in the game. This boss fight earns points for being beautiful to suffer.

9: All of Organization XIII (Kingdom Hearts: CoM and Kingdom Hearts 2)
I understand that this is fairly cheap, its true. But not one boss on their own (with the possible exception of Zexion in Re: CoM) is good enough for this list. But when you put them all together, their individual traits and abilities make them stand out as exemplary boss battles. On the GBA or PS2, the Castle Oblivion crew has Vexen’s icy attacks and Larxenes lightning fast reflexes, and in KH2 you have the epic final showdown with Xemnas, for starts, and the odd-ball fights between a sitar player and a gambler. The variety is really what sets these fights apart.

8: Hyrda (God of War)
The biggest shame of an otherwise (mostly) flawless franchise is that the best boss battle in any of the games is the very first one. Starting off strong, Kratos has to tackle the three heads of the massive Hyrda. Its action commands and fast button pressing, as well as some mash hack-and-slash here and there, too. But the rain falling down and the sea in torment around you makes it twice as epic.

7: Del Lago (Resident Evil 4)
RE4 has some epic boss battles throughout the game, but none better than its aquatic monster in the lake. Its just you and some hand-tossed harpoons against this huge beast, with the only thing keeping you from being fish food is a rickety old wooden boat beneath your feet. Its tense and heart-pounding, resulting in just-missed tosses and game overs from time to time. But sinking the bastard in his own lake feels awesome when its all said and done.

6: Kefka (Final Fantasy VI)
Thanks largely in part to the epic, prog-rock “Dancing Mad” that plays behind it the whole time, FF6’s final toe-to-to…giant flying angel with Kefka is pure awesome. Its a hard fought battle with the man that has destroyed the world. There’s less a feeling of urgency with overthrowing this mad fool and more a sense of justice for the crime he has already managed to commit. Each of his parts is more challenging than the last, with his final form taking place high in the sky. Even FF7’s epic three-part Sephiroth battle had nothing on this.

5 :William Birkin in all his forms (Resident Evil 2)
As a huge fan of the RE franchise – with 2 being my favor… oops, List spoiler alert! – the number of times you do battle with the non-evil Birkin is staggering, each one being just a bit more tragic. The man wants revenge for basically being lied to, robbed, cheated, and then shot down – all by the company he worked for. He’s just out for blood. The player’s blood. The final confrontation with him (in the second play through of the game) in which he assaults the train you’re escaping Raccoon City on is quick, urgent, and fun. Also: terrifying.

4: Phalanx (Shadow of the Colussus)
In a game that is all boss battles, every time you fight one of these giant stone monsters is exciting and interesting. But the way epic battle against the flying sand monster near the end-ish point of the game takes the cake. The only way to get on is to ride your horse as fast as possible beside the flying beast, stand on its back, then jump on and hope to dear god your reflexes are fast enough to grab a hold of something. Then its a slow crawl to the things head for a quick game of “Stab-Stab” until you bring the monster down. The simplicity of the game helps a ton, too, to make this boss battle awe-inspiring to play, but even more interesting to watch.

3: Mother Brain (Super Metroid)
Of course the queen bitch of the universe is on this list. Just when you thought you’d tackled the same boss as you did from the first Metroid game, things take a shocking turn as the “helpless” brain grows a giant body and is now fucking you up royally. If not for the heartfelt intervention of the baby Metroid (GIANT baby Metroid, I might add) you’d have died. Of course, the spoilers I could divulge are widely known at this time, but the results of the battle tug at heartstrings and make you glad you dusted that creepy old Mother Brain for good (…?)

2: The Boss (Metal Gear Solid 3)
The most gorgeous boss battle in the history of boss battles, Snake’s fight with The Boss at the end of the game is the culmination of all the skills you have developed since the start of the game. The CQC, the camo tactics, the stealth skills… it all comes to a head in a beautiful field of white flowers. The fact that you only have ten minutes to take her out before a bombing run adds to the danger, too… but its the game’s highest point and, I feel, the best battle in the whole franchise.

1: Nightmare (Kirby’s Adventure)
Both parts of this battle – Kirby’s showdown while falling down against the Nightmare’s orb form AND the starry final throwdown in space – are epic and the music is fantastic, with each stage of the boss battle having either thumping bass lines or catchy hooks to keep the player’s tension mounted. But its also paired with the fact that you thought the real enemy was King Dedede the whole time that earns this extra points; turns out he was on your side the whole time. As a kid, this battle is instantly one of my favorites, but the fact is that – at any point in my life – I can play this game in its entirety and find myself having a blast doing battle with the Nightmare at the end. For that fact alone, its my favorite boss battle, ever.

Honorable Mention: Mary Sunderland (Silent Hill 2)
Talk about a haunting experience! Silent Hill games don’t have the best boss fights. Usually you just run, shoot, run, shoot, repeat. But the final boss of SH2 is the protagonist’s own wife in demon form, but is not possessed. Its her, just with demon powers. And she wants revenge against her husband. I won’t spoil the reasons or anything like that (since you should just play the damn game), but its just one of those “…fuck, jesus, fuck” moments from the series that really takes the cake, in my opinion.


SOUND OFF!What are YOUR favorite boss battles?!

Added March 29, 2017
This is a great list, though #4 should have been higher. These days Mary wouldn’t make the cut, but that’s after so many years of epic battles against so many more fantastic bosses. Undertale would absolutely be featured.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

20 thoughts on “Top 100 FAVORITE Video Games: “Meet the New Boss””

  1. Justin Carrothers
    Solid choice on the MGS3 pick. I’d struggle to find a boss fight in that series to match it.

    I disagree with the Hydra pick for GOW, but only because I prefer the Poseidon/Chariot fight from the beginning of GOW3. I’d say it’s a wash.

    Kefka’s a great choice, but I’m surprised he beat out Ozma. I understand why you picked him, though.
    November 6, 2010 at 9:25 am


  2. Jason Sauer
    Wholeheartedly agree with MGS3 and actually I had forgotten about that awesome fight in Kirby’s Adventure.

    I’d throw up the final boss sequence in Cave Story, and also the final boss in Zone of the Enders 2.
    November 6, 2010 at 9:31 am


  3. Justin Carrothers
    Skyler, if you’ve got an HDMI cable and a 1080p television, you’re doing yourself a disservice by having not played GOW3. It’s more of the same, just slightly improved, but the graphics were on par with Uncharted/2 (which I haven’t played, but was assured this by the friend whose copy of GOW3 I played).

    Biggest complaint about the game was its length. Those games feel too short.
    November 6, 2010 at 9:36 am


  4. Skyler Bartels
    I haven’t picked up a PS3 is the deal. Love the first two games, love the Metal Gear Solid franchise, too. But I haven’t had the nerve to put the money down on one of those fancy machines, yet. Should sell my blu-ray player, though, and put that money toward it. And then just buy one… 😦
    November 6, 2010 at 9:38 am


  5. Kyle Decker
    Yeah, the Nightmare in Kirby’s Adventure was pretty damn sweet.

    I’d have put Silver Sonic/Eggman Battle Suit from Sonic 2 on my list. Walking down that hallway in the Death Egg and seeing an evil robot version of yourself with red glowing eyes really set the doppleganger battle precedent. The need to time the hits just so on both fights, and the fact you had NO rings (in the original version anyway) so you couldn’t fuck up once really made for some heart pounding game play.
    November 6, 2010 at 10:08 am


  6. Adam Jaco

    In terms of MGS3 bosses, the fight with the Boss was pretty epic and all, but I’d have to give my vote to the fight against the ancient sniper “The End”. You’re fighting an 100+ year old man across 3 zones while he picks at you from great distance and swiftly runs off if you make a single noise near him. Unless you shoot him in his wheelchair while he’s sitting on that dock. Or turn off your game for a week and he dies of old age. This fight also led to one of my funniest video game moments, when with my roommate watching (who was a huge MGS fan) I finally managed to sneak up behind him but in my attempt to hold him up to get his camo I instead accidentally blasted him in the head with a shotgun.
    November 6, 2010 at 12:39 pm


  7. Skyler Bartels
    LOL. That is pretty funny, its true. As for the wheelchair bit, I did do that one one play-through. Made for a much easier game, thats a fact.
    November 6, 2010 at 12:40 pm


  8. Jason Sauer
    Gah! The wheelchair shot is possible?!?! I theorized that it was possible but after about an hour’s worth of attempts gave up. I’ve got a lot of gaming to do Thanksgiving break…
    November 6, 2010 at 12:55 pm


  9. Justin Carrothers
    After hearing the world’s frustrations at getting The End’s camo in MGS3, it makes me wonder if it wasn’t a total fluke that I got it. I got it when he was sleeping.

    I’d put The End higher than the Boss if I didn’t have such an easy time with The End. For whatever reason, I just found him once, then chased him around. Again, I hear that this isn’t a common experience.
    November 6, 2010 at 1:01 pm


  10. Skyler Bartels
    Wheelchair shot is totally possible. Not really worth it, in the end, as it does cheapen the gaming experience as a whole. But cool that they allowed such a thing to happen in the game, really.

    Also, where’s my younger bro with his Megaman X favorite? Zak? Zak!
    November 6, 2010 at 1:10 pm


  11. Kyle Decker
    Another thing about The End in MGS3 is look in the trees, if you look hard enough his pet bird is there. Kill it, and eat it. Two things happen, it greatly reduces his ability to see you and he cries out: “NO! You MONSTER!” he then becomes distraught and reckless.
    November 6, 2010 at 1:19 pm


  12. Benjamin Chilcoat
    good call on the nightmare from kirby. I’d argue mother brain though. She was nearly impossible to lose to. That fight was pretty much scripted, you just blew all your weapons, and once you pulled out the charge shot… well, you know the rest.

    Ridley, on the other hand, was very possible to lose to. (assuming you don’t have just about all the tanks) You had to straight up brawl with him, just see if you could dump more pain into him before he could finish you off. Also, he had twice the space to attack you with, where you could hit the mobrain pretty much constantly, ridley was usually up on the top half of the screen, waiting for you to try jumping up to hit him before breathing fire on you, spearing you, or just slamming you into the wall. If that wasn’t enough, lava was a constant menace. Not necessarily the best fight with ridley ever, but I would say easily a more iconic fight (and certainly more challenging) than mother brain. And, yeah, your reward for beating ridley was certainly a kick in the nuts.
    November 6, 2010 at 8:04 pm


  13. Justin Carrothers
    @Kyle Decker – NOOO! Don’t eat the bird! If you tranq it and keep it alive, you can either a) save it for the rest of the game *you can even get it back after you’re stripped of all your gear/items OR b) if you release it during the fight with The End, the bird will give away his location by squaking!!
    November 8, 2010 at 2:39 pm


  14. Justin Carrothers
    Yeah, it flies over to him, and hovers over his location, squaking something over and over. If you’re trying to do a sniper vs. sniper battle, it’s a huge help.
    November 8, 2010 at 4:01 pm


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