Facebook – Top 100 FAVORITE Video Games: 57

57: Patapon (and, by extension, Patapon 2… is this cheating? Maybe) (PSP)
Developer(s): Pyramid/Japan Studio
Year: 2007(and 2009)


When a game is merely a continuation of the first game, its hard for me to not include it as one game on a list like this. Especially since neither one is any better than the other one. With the case of other games that are simply the “next part” rather than a “sequel” (Mass Effect, Xenosaga, etc. and their respective sequels) they usually contain enough differences to make it its own game. With Patapon, you get more of the same, great gameplay experience with very little that’s new. And, while you could easily say “Skyler, then why is it good if its just more of the same? Why play the same game twice?!” and the answer is: because its still addictive and awesome to play.

The story of Patapon is full of heart, as are the characters. You must act as the Patapon god and use war drums to guide the oppressed Patapon people against their enemies in an attempt to reclaim their former glory, as well as reach Earthend so that they may gaze upon “IT” – the Patapon’s sacred artifact from ancient lore. Along the way, they’ll investigate dark evils, deal with the demon-powered Zigoton empire, and eventually conquer giants of beastly origin. Eventually you learn that your enemies fear you, for their prophecies differ largely from your own, signaling the end of the world upon the Patapon’s viewing of “IT” and they’ll stop at nothing to kill you, every step of the way selling their souls to gain the power to stomp you down. Its simple, yet effective story telling that is deep with its own silly lore and amusing character development.


While the story is cute, nothing is better than this game’s play mechanics. Leading the army with your standard Playstation buttons (square, cirlce, x, triangle) as various drum beats, you – the Patapon god – must drive the beat of war and keep your army in line and formation as they march across the world to vanquish the evils before them. Each stage has a simple 1-2-3-4 beat you must keep in time with and each button combination results in a different kind of attack. Each button is also attributed to a specific drum, the “PON” drum being used the most. The goal is to stay in time as much as possible, as it unlocks “FEVER!” mode, increasing attack strength and speed, defensive capabilities, etc. Learning when and where to use these abilities and marches is of great importance, as the wrong move could easily destroy an army.

Of course, it wouldn’t matter how much fun it was if a music/rhythm game didn’t present itself well. Thankfully, the simple nature of the graphics paired with the delightful music creates a 2D world worthy of scrolling across, left-to-right. The Patapons you control are tiny and numerous, but feature enough distinction between archers, sword wielders, etc. so that you never get them confused for anything else. And you can tell when an enemy is nearby or your troops are in position to strike, as they alter their “facial expressions” (really, they simply squint their one eye), meaning you have a lot to pay attention to, but you’ll find it easy to focus on the right things at the right time. And with a gentle learning curve that starts you off with easy monsters but leaves you fighting devils of great strength the by end, you’ll be ready to and capable of finding what you need and seeing what you need to see at a moment’s notice.


All in all, Patapon is easily the best PSP game I’ve played, to date. Its almost impossible to put down and is catchy enough to keep me playing long after each game has come to its conclusion. With the third chapter about to come out in the near future, the Patapon series isn’t going anywhere and may someday venture off the handheld system and make a console debut at some point. For the time being, though, there is no better bathroom or car-ride game on the planet, with quick levels to blaze through to search for items or materials for strengthening your army, preparing yourself for a time in which you can invest a few hours to further the narrative. Without a doubt, Patapon is a fantastic little game that you should play at your first chance.

Classic Moment:
The very first time you come across something 10x the size of a single Patapon, you will fear for your little men. And  you should; you’ll likely get butchered before you take the monster down. But enough grinding will result in better equipment for your troops and the next time you strike out against the creature, you’ll be prepared. Nothing feels better in this game than taking down a beast you had such difficulty even hurting, and doing so in less than two minutes. Especially since it took you ten to die the last time!

Added February 14, 2017
I never got around to that third game in this series. I was always hoping for a huge, blow-out console version someday in the future. Here’s hoping.
Having said all of this, I can hear the little guys in my head, now… “Pon… Pon.. Pata… Pata!”

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

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