Facebook – Top 100 FAVORITE Video Games: “The Music Man”

Every game has a soundtrack, whether its the screeches of metal against metal in Silent Hill 2 or the gorgeous orchestral arrangements of Oblivion. They should help to create an experience unlike any other and, at the very least, should assist in helping make emotion come to life from the pixels and polygons.

For this list, I’m using a specific song I feel really helps sell the idea of my top 10 list. While each game featured here contains more than one great track, I’ve reserved myself to only posting one track from the game. I’ll provide a reason and also a link to a version of the song I found on YouTube or something, which I suggest you check out (all of them!). As always, feel free to find reason to argue with me over this.

PS: I decided I could only include one game per series, meaning the Final Fantasy games (which would otherwise have taken most of the spots on this thing, anyhow) only have one title and I had to pick the best song from the whole damn series, more or less. It was difficult. And I cheated. You’ll see why.

10: Guitar Hero 2 (YYZ)
It might be kinda unfair to really rank this here, but the music of a game is what gets it on this list and I can’t think of any better game to include from the series. The soundtrack featured here is far better than the others, overall, and has YYZ. YYZ. Name me a better guitar/bass song from the entire series and/or Rock Band. I challenge you.

9: Half-Life 2 (Triage At Dawn)
Half-Life and the sequel have great music, overall, but usually in short doses. Triage at Dawn is a song that brings out emotion at a critical time in the second game’s narrative. Its moody, and also one of the few tracks on the soundtrack that isn’t overly electronic and fast-tempo-d up. Really touching, in my opinion, and so short.

8: Homeworld (Adagio for Strings)
This is more than a little unfair, as the game uses a song that is already old and well known, but my God does it use it well. The sweeping nature of this bit of wonder suits the game and its vast, open space perfectly, while capturing the majesty of the giant ships you must navigate through treacherous places.

7: Mega Man 2 (Wily’s Castle – Stage 1)
While you won’t find a single Mega Man game on the 100 games list, it would be stupid of me not to mention this game for its incredible and catchy-as-fuck soundtrack. Getting to this final level is a challenge and this fast-progression track really helps build the mounting tension toward reaching the end of the game and stomping Wily out for good. Over all other songs in the game (yell at me for this, Zak), this level’s theme really compliments the high energy needed to finish it.

6: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Metropolis Zone)
Sonic 2 is maybe my favorite Sonic game. But what song is the best? The thick-ass-bass-rumbling of the Metropolis Zone. The manic nature of the song lends itself well to yet another of the fast levels of the game. The world this song comes from is huge, both in presentation and in the fact that its the only level to have an Act 3 instead of just the normal 2. This song helps create, in my opinion, that sense of openness.

FOR AWESOME REFERENCE: An awesome cover of this level in which they nailed the drum line 100%:

5: Katamari Damacy (Lonely Rolling Star)
For a strange ass game from Japan they utilized a strange ass soundtrack. Of all the songs that fit the style of the game, Lonely Rolling Star really nails the simple and fun nature of the game, being catchy and lighthearted, just like the gameplay. And I really dig the hook of the chorus, despite the fact that I don’t understand any word aside from “Katamari” in the whole damn song.

4: Super Metroid (Brinstar)
The jungle-like underbelly of Brinstar features this great song that creates a solid feel of exploration and adventure, all the while Samus is killing and jumping and finding new ways to be better in the game. I like the bass line the whole way through, and the second half pulls away a bit to reveal a semi-choral vocal(ish) section that adds to the maze-like nature of the entire game.

3: Contra (Base Theme)
Any fool that argues against this being the best song from the game is… maybe right. In a game that has nearly 0 losers in the soundtrack (hate that Snow Field theme, though), its hard to pick. But the tension-creating Base Theme lends itself well to the up-scaling design of the level and helps maintain the action of the game, perfectly.

2: Chrono Trigger (Battle with Magus)
Working your way to this point in the game is a great ride and you think you’ve reached the end boss. His theme, here, is perfect, as Magus employs some nasty magic and epic attacks all the while you unleash some special moves of your own. The excitement starts softly and mounts until you hear that “dark wind howling” and then its all business from there.

1: Final Fantasy IV (DS Intro theme)
Yes this is cheating; the DS intro combines a number of the game’s best tracks in fantastic ways, creating a medley of sorts that works well with the CG intro they created. It brings about emotions from the scenes depicted and helps to set up the amazing adventure the remake promised (and delivered upon). From about 2 minutes in its all gold, though. Listen and you’ll understand upon the triumphant nature the song takes on.

Honorable Mention: Fallout 3 (Butcher Pete)

Added February 9, 2017
Updated with new logo images and some fixed links.
I think this is a great list and I challenge you to come up with better.
Man, that FFIV opening, though.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

26 thoughts on “Facebook – Top 100 FAVORITE Video Games: “The Music Man””

  1. Jason Sauer
    #2 is my favorite gaming track of all time — it so perfectly set the mood for that fight. I also really love the Ocean Palace theme. I bought the whole soundtrack in some basement music store when I visited Japan. And good choice on the Wily theme from MM2.
    September 23, 2010 at 3:45 pm


  2. Justin Carrothers
    Here’s mine, but not a top 10 so much as a few I really enjoy.:

    Escape from Zebes – Super Metroid

    I love it for projecting the urgency of the situation. The wailing alarms blend in with the music, so they don’t really sound repetitive or tired unless you focus on listening to them. The next time there’s a tornado or severe thunderstorm warning, I urge you to run to the computer and blare this.

    Final Fantasy Tie: Sephiroth’s Theme (NOT One Winged Angel) vs. Kefka’s Theme

    Can’t decide. I’m in the same boat as many: Final Fantasy just has too much good music.

    Slider – Super Mario 64

    A fun, light-hearted song for a light-hearted respite from that game. If you could say that Mario 64 had mini-games, this would definitely be one.

    Boss Theme – Sonic 2

    Nothing warns you about a tough fight quite like a repetitive, punchy sounding opening to a boss theme.

    Opening Anime FMV theme – Wild ARMs 3 (if you haven’t played, will loan)

    So pretty. So good if you enjoy AMVs. And it sets the tone for a fantastic game.

    Turbo Tunnel (Jetbike Level) Theme – Battletoads in Battlemaniacs (had to)

    I had to. I’ve heard this song more than any other video game theme over the years, primarily because I’ve never made it past this level.

    Schala’s Theme – Chrono Trigger

    Again, like Final Fantasy as a series, this game had too many great choices. So, I picked my favorite. An ominous, forboding, yet mysterious tune to compliment an ominious and mysterious place in that game.

    Hon. Mention – “Lowrider” by War – Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

    (They should have just made this song it’s own radio station for all the lowrider racing).

    I REALLY dig that you had Butcher Pete. I’m blown away.
    September 23, 2010 at 3:47 pm


  3. Skyler Bartels
    Zak: Opening music is real good as is the boss music. But I really think the nature of Wily’s theme nailed it.

    Jason: Yeah, dude, that Magus theme is great and I really do love the Ocean Palace song. Wish I had the money to import a great version of the soundtrack. Could download it, easily, yes, but I really want the physical copy.

    Justin: Going to check your suggestions here in a bit, but I will mention that Escape From Zebes is my second favorite track from the game.

    Adam: SNAKE EATER! 😀
    September 23, 2010 at 4:08 pm


  4. Jason Sauer
    And goddamnit, you’ve got me listening through the CT soundtrack again which means playing through the game again this weekend is ineluctable. I love everything about the 12,000 B.C. setting far too much.
    September 23, 2010 at 4:19 pm


  5. Skyler Bartels
    😀 A CT replay is always in the cards for me, at the drop of a hat. Sometimes I get really sad that the last time I played through that game was in the summer between high school and college. Six friggin’ years since I touched that game. What a waste of my time these past six years have been.
    September 23, 2010 at 4:21 pm


  6. Jason Sauer
    Bah, sorry, I’m word vomiting here, but the “Dark World” track in FFVI did more for me than any other song in the game. The harsh wind and plaintive organ throw into sharp relief the idea that, “Holy shit, Kefka actually fucking did it,” while you’re traversing the world’s scarred landscape.
    September 23, 2010 at 5:08 pm


  7. Skyler Bartels
    my thought upon clicking upon the link and seeing your choice: inspired. even if, though, its the best FF song ever (which I would contest), FFVIII does NOT have the best soundtrack, period.
    September 23, 2010 at 8:23 pm


  8. Aaron W. Jaco
    no clue about the whole soundtrack. i’m sure it’s not the best. FF7 has to be the best, as it’s the best video game in every way. Except for the original Medal of Honor.
    September 23, 2010 at 8:25 pm


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