Facebook – Top 100 FAVORITE Video Games: 78

78: Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (PS2/Xbox/PC)
Developer: Rockstar
Year: 2002


Many people would likely frown upon me listing this game to be the place-holder for the entire GTA series. Some would say that 2 is the best (and it is my second favorite in the series) while some would say that – “obviously!” – GTA4 is the best. While 2 has its amusing aspects and 4 has the best looking visuals and tightest gameplay features in the series, Vice City is the game that took the GTA series from something simple and straightforward and turned it into a pure and cinematic experience. And, because of this, it moved itself away from the other games in the series and onto my list.

Taking over the role of the game’s primary protagonist, Tommy Vercetti, players assume all the duties he has; drug and gun running, taking out gang enemies, and shouting at pedestrians. While the series had utilized voice acting before, never had the main character had a voice. And its provided byconstantly-angry Ray Liotta, an actor experienced in gang film, who helps create a character we get to know, for once, not just a guy we have drive cars around. The rest of the voice cast really helps the backstabbing plot move along, including the late Dennis Hopper as a pornographic film director. The main story of the game isn’t the main reason you come to a GTA game, but it is helpful to having fun when the story makes sense. In this game, its simple (find out who screwed everyone over, kill them, get screwed over, rinse, repeat) but just as engaging as it is straightforward.


The gameplay, meanwhile, borrows heavily from GTA 3, the series’ first 3D outing. Moving around the city is seamless and fun, with new areas and vehicles unlocking as you complete segments of the game’s main storyline. Draw distances are increased from the previous title, allowing for a better view of the city, especially if you’re in some kind of aircraft, or somehow got on top of a building. And, as an added bonus, Vice City introduces motorcycles to the game for the first time, allowing you to go at great speeds or perform amazing jumps. Plus, with the 80’s feel to the game, everything else has been changed to fit that time period, making the cars, bikes, weapons, and everything else have a “wicked cool” feel to it.


Production values are – as always – through the roof, too. The graphics are great to look at, but the real treat is the sound, music, and voice work. While I have already made mention of the talent used in the game (some individuals I didn’t mention: Gary Busey, Burt Reynolds, etc.), the music on the radios in cars – along with the announcers on the stations themselves, are a real blast. Stepping it up another notch, Rockstar secured the rights to some great tracks from the time period and, strewn across a ton of possible stations, the song list never gets old, really, and – because of how limited the space was on PS2 games back then, you never had to wait too long to hear a song you maybe really liked to run people over to. Since this game, the soundtracks have wavered, but I feel Vice City had the best of the best in terms of high-quality songs featured in game.


All in all, GTA: Vicy City might polarize people, both in its placement on the list, and its inclusion over other, “better” games in the series. But the mission-based gameplay featured in this title really shines brighter – in my opinion – over the others, the controls don’t feel nearly as ice-rink-ish as they do in GTA4, and the characters are – I feel – much more interesting to get to know. Overall, GTA:VC provides the best experience one can have in the series’ universe and is not only the best game in the series, but the easiest one to get invested in.

Classic Moment:
I really, really, really like the game’s opening mission. Tommy is sent away to do “little-to-no damage” in Vice City, so as not to ruin crime boss’ days in Liberty City. And what happens? It all gets fucked up. Now you, as Tommy, start the game with nothing, and the drugs and money you were in charge of – as well as the people you were with – are gone, leaving you alone, powerless, and afraid of people with more power than you. What a great way to start a “self-made man”-type narrative.

Added September 30, 2016
Still the best GTA title, even after V. Don’t agree? Eff you.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

3 thoughts on “Facebook – Top 100 FAVORITE Video Games: 78”

  1. Megan ‘Eidem’ Adkins
    I like watching Chris play this game. So much so that I get annoyed when at the end of each gaming session he blows up as much crap as possible and inevitably dies when the wanted levels are too high. Ugh. Boys.
    August 29, 2010 at 3:21 pm


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