Facebook – Top 100 FAVORITE Video Games: “The Gun Show”

This time I have 10 weapons/guns/units/what-have-you. Why don’t I just do the list as is? Because I’m lazy. That’s why.

Top 10 FAVORITE “Weapons” (and I use the term loosely, since a Starcraft unit is in here) in Gaming:

10: Alien Blaster (Fallout 3)
wp-1475256500343.jpgPicking this gun up at the alien shipwreck early enough in the game breaks it. That is, if you get it before you get Mothership Zeta, because otherwise you’re going up on the ship where you can get a ton of them. But if you hold this thing in the base game, you can stop everything (aside from Fawks, of course). Its unfair, but balanced, because there are very few backup rounds in the game. Used wisely, its the best.

9: Ebony Dagger(Daggerfall)
wp-1475256503291.jpgIn the start of the game you answer a series of questions to determine your class and skill set. One of them is something like “you are left one of the following:” and it consists of jems, money, armor… and an Ebony Dagger. I always took the dagger. Why? I don’t know, maybe because it was worth a ton of money and – as such – you can’t buy anything that equals its strength or attack power. Its worth so much.

8: Plasma Rifle (Doom series)
wp-1475256507452.jpgI friggin’ LOVE this gun. Even in Doom 3, this gun is just the best. Rapid fire, immense power, and its blue. I always ran out of this gun right when I had to fight hell knights or cyber-demons, simply because I wasted it early on. As soon as I get this gun, I destroy everything in sight until its out of ammo. Then I hunt for more ammo.

7: SAW (Half-Life: OP4)

6: Gravity Gun (Half-Life 2)

5: Hyrdalisk (StarCraft)
wp-1475256516436.jpgEnough of these guys, all upgrades purchased, are unstoppable. Unless you’re playing online. Then they’re stoppable. By jerk-off jerks that are cheap bastards.

4: Arm Cannon (Metroid series)
wp-1475256520073.jpgSamus is the coolest. Oh man. This is just the worst thing. This whole list. Just the worst.

3: Magnum (Resident Evil series)
wp-1475256523817.jpgNothing pops off the heads of zombies faster than a Magnum. In the first game, you get one of these and it just destroys everything in sight. Of course, you know, there’s few bullets in that first mansion, but its just the best gun. Someday I’ll look back on this list and just cry.

2: Farsight (Perfect Dark)
wp-1475256527754.jpgSeeing through walls is awesome. And cheap. Cheap as hell.

1: Shotgun (almost any game, but two in particular…)
wp-1475256531890.jpgWhen my older brother was playing Half-Life 2, the phrase “nothing can beat the stopping power of a shotgun” and he was right. But the first time I fell in love with a shotgun was in Doom 2, in which you got a double-barreled shotgun that blew up zombies. BLEW THEM UP. I’m going to stop typing, now.

Honerable Mention: KOS-MOS
wp-1475256535136.jpghad to.

Added September 30, 2016
“Someday I’ll look back on this list and just cry.”
HA! I don’t know why this list is so poorly constructed and thought-out. Lazy? It wasn’t even late in the day or anything, so I have no clue.
Love that running KOS-MOS gag!

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

9 thoughts on “Facebook – Top 100 FAVORITE Video Games: “The Gun Show””

  1. Justin Carrothers
    I’d throw my own Hon. Mentions on the list for the following:
    Patriot – MGS series
    Shock Rifle or Redeemer – Unreal Tournament
    The trenchcoat gunman guy from Fallout 3
    And if it counts, the Advent Children Buster Sword that has like 9 swords in it.
    August 25, 2010 at 3:46 pm


  2. Justin Carrothers
    I also imgained you’d have the Gunblade from FFVIII on there. I remember before the game was released, reading Playstation magazines, thinking it’d be a superdumb idea for a weapon, but the ability to control/time criticals in RPGs has been a cherished ability in my opinion.
    August 25, 2010 at 3:48 pm


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