Facebook – Top 100 FAVORITE Video Games: 92

92: Duke Nukem 3D (multiple platforms)
Developer: 3D Realms
Year: 1996 (debut on PC, as late as 2008 on 360 and last year for cell phones)


This game getting such a high place on the list may be due in part to the fact that it was a recent download for me over the 360’s Arcade. It always has a place on my list, but usually its either 100 or 99, so its fair to say that Duke is on the receiving end of “good timing” this time around. Having said that, however, its about time he got a bit more recognition for the high-quality game and the best outing he’s has ever had (and is likely ever to have, at this rate).

While the plot is nearly non-existent (Duke comes to Earth to find it under attack from alien invaders, stealing babes and taking over movie theatres). This bare-bones plot is pure sci-fi pulp, avoiding investing any time in character development or motivation for the enemies (they’re simply evil, invading aliens). This leaves the game open for pure, destructive, run-and-gun amusement, filled with guts, poop jokes, and strippers around every corner.


One of the best parts about this game is the episode/level design. Each of the game’s four main story arcs contain a handful of levels dedicated to getting Duke from the start to the boss of the level, all with the goal of blowing something up. This takes him from the streets of L.A. to outer space and back again. Along the way, Duke will toss out witty one-liners as he guns down pig-cops and octobrains while commandeering submarines, space shuttles, and alien space craft. He’ll also be knee-deep in puns and in-jokes aimed at pop-culture references (some of which are dated, now) ranging from Star Wars to Silence of the Lambs. Each variation on the game (for PS1, N64, cell phones, etc.) has had the pleasure of adding their own. The games always manage to take the same pot-shot at Doom, however.

Gun and enemy design is varied without getting too over-the-top in quantities. You’ll have a blast laying trip-mines and shrinking enemies down to size and then stepping on them. You’ll also enjoy kicking with the “Mighty Boot” in those times when ammo is scarce. And the difficulty curve is tailored to never get too hard, right up until the end, when it becomes almost impossible to have enough ammo to finish the final, final boss.


All in all, Duke Nukem 3D is one of the greatest of the classical PC shooters, proof of this is in the rereleases and the longstanding desire we all still have for Forever to be released. With a great single player experience, and an across-all-platforms engaging and fun deathmatch setup, the Duke remains one of the greatest examples of FPS done right. Such a shame, though, that all subsequent games (most of which are in 3rd Person for some reason) have just been epic piles of suck.

Classic Moment:
In one of the first levels, “Red Light District”, Duke enters a strip club where he can pay the pixel women money to show their goods. All fun and good, but don’t shoot them or accidentally blow them up in a fire fight; killing any female (not asking for you to do so) will result in enemies spawning in and immediately joining a fire fight. It is very funny at first, but in later levels, when the enemies get tougher and start throwing rockets at you instead of bullets, you’ll find yourself outnumbered and outgunned that much faster.

Added September 29, 2016
True story time: I could play this game at any time. I think it was a PS+ game on PS3 a few months ago and it might be on my system and now it is literally the only game I want to play.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

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