Facebook – Why you Should Own Both Seasons of Carnivàle

1: Each set is running for $15 at Wal-Mart right now. You can’t get a full season of quality television made after 2004 for that kind of price.

2: The acting in the show is beyond amazing and the characters are unique and well defined. Even those seemingly not integral to the main storyline are interesting and amusing.

3: The soundtrack for the show is also great. Each character has their theme and are all excellent.

4: This guy:
wp-1475000284010.jpghe only speaks forwards in this show

5: (and most importantly!) You WILL be hooked. You won’t say no to this show. That’s for damn sure.

Heck, I’ll even loan the damn series to you. But seriously… $15? If you don’t like the first season, I’ll refund ya the cash.

Added September 27, 2016
No progress have ever been made in seeing this show and its plot wrapped up. Which is a shame. There is so much good stuff going on in this show and the world-building was phenomenal.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

2 thoughts on “Facebook – Why you Should Own Both Seasons of Carnivàle”

  1. Skyler Bartels
    I mean it doesn’t “conclude” really. It ties up a lot of the threads of the first season and itself, but it doesn’t “resolve” the overlying crisis in the world. It does leave a bit to the imagination, but – in my opinion – it doesn’t leave it TOO open. By this I mean to say that it creates a fairly narrow line that – barring the fact that they had planned for SIX seasons and would thus likely stuff it with some middle-filler – you can get a pretty good idea of the line they would have been riding the rest of the way through the series. I think it was satisfactory, overall.
    April 14, 2010 at 3:42 pm


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