Frequently Mentioned Truths – Mandango Desperation

Some day I will look back on all of this and laugh.

I mean, again. I’ll laugh at it again. I laughed today, already.

Current Location: BED
Current Mood: amusedamused
Current Music: Groove Armada – Black Light

Added March 24, 2016
I don’t laugh at this blog, anymore. I am amused, sometimes, but the spite and rage that filled me when I posted here the most frequently is kinda pathetic, now. Which is of course exactly what it was supposed to be, then. So I appreciate its place in my long history of online presence. But it is a shame it had to happen at all.
Don’t confuse this for me regretting that anything related to this blog happened, though. If I could go back in time? I’d do everything the same, again.

Facebook – Parody: The Thing that Kick-Ass Forgot it was Trying to Be

I didn’t hate Kick-Ass. For reference, note that my “Flixter” review was favorable, but not glowing (technically a 7/10). That’s a good review. But the movie had flaws, primary of which was the fact that it forgot, about a third of the way through the run time, that it was a parody of comic book films. Then, to make matters worse, the final third seemed to indulge in simply being a comic book movie.


Don’t no one come in here and give me any jazz about “source material” by the way. I’ve never read the source material, had no interest, and don’t have any sudden, new-found interest to do it, either. Deal is this, though; the movie was a great satire of comic book films. That first 45 minutes was great; dorky kid gets his ass handed to him when he tries to be a super hero. He never “one-ups” anyone in the whole opening section. The part where he gets stabbed is the highlight of the movie, really, because its real. No training, broad daylight, the size he was… it was awesome. Paired with the sudden drop of the pulse-pounding techno soundtrack, this moment encapsulated what I figured the entirety of the film was to be.

From here, though, the movie shrugs off the realism and parody and dons a different hat, one it tips to comic book movies, action thrillers, and sci-fi films we’ve already seen a dozen times. Slow motion fights, cool acrobatic maneuvers, and moral ambiguity. Was it well filmed? Yeah, I guess. But it was a huge disappointment.

Good parody is something that delves into one extreme or the other. Either you base it all in realism and stay there, or you dive headfirst into over-the-top zany shiz and never let it stop. Having a little girl cuss and blood-let doesn’t make parody. Its just a little girl cussing and blood-letting.

A wonderful example of how to do parody film making would be Edgar Wright’s “Hot Fuzz” which came out some three-ish years ago. It starred Simon Pegg being an over-the-top cop thrown into a realistic setting and then delved headfirst into the most bullshit-crazy action sequences. These moments of extreme gore and violence worked in that movie because of the setting. The final half hour is simply the best parody of action films and buddy cop movies ever made. For proof of that, the team that made it utilized on of Roger Ebert’s books on film cliches, found all the action movie ones they could spoof, and crammed the movie with them. The result is a film that never takes itself seriously and succeeds.

In four years time, no one will remember Kick-Ass because it failed to follow this lesson. Granted, I’m not saying that Hot Fuzz has a huge following. It doesn’t have nearly as strong a following as its predecessor in the Blood and Ice Cream Trilogy, “Shaun of the Dead” (also an excellent, well made parody, this time of zombie cinema). But the differences between these two films are real, and numerous (for one, the laughs-per-minute ratio is highly in favor of Hot Fuzz) and those differences mostly lie on the line between taking itself seriously and electing not to.


With this, I would never suggest someone NOT see Kick-Ass. On the contrary, I suggest people see it. It was fun, good, throw-away popcorn cinema. A good precursor to the summer action season. But, seriously, once Iron Man 2 comes out people won’t give a poo about this movie. People will buy the DVD/BRD because they laughed and people will go on and on about how great it was. And that’s fine. It simply could have been so much more than it was if it hadn’t moved away from what it was trying to be.

PS: If you haven’t seen Hot Fuzz, see it. Its worth it for Timothy Dalton’s scenery-chewing acting and the ludicrous action sequences at the end of the film.

Added September 27, 2016
I stand by this review and analysis and will fist fight anyone that disagrees with it.

Facebook – Can I Have a Moment to Talk About Desmond Hume?

Let me tell you a few things about Desmond…

wp-1475002385458.jpgthis guy

First off, this is no shocker, the guy is my favorite character on this television show. Hands down. I love a lot of characters (most of them bit role-characters like Mikhail, Ethan, Lapidus, and Clancy Brown, etc.)

wp-1475002388813.jpgmore on this guy in a few weeks,

but none of them are as likable as Desmond. The man has charm, charisma, and – when long – always has the best haircut of any of the characters. Plus, he’s a singing drunk. I can appreciate that.

But here’s the deal… After last week’s episode, “Happily Ever After”, I wanted to proclaim that Desmond is The Universe Wrecker. Let’s examine how many times he’s had “the good life” and how many times he’s wrecked it, shall we?

First off, that famous photo of him and his beloved Penny. If you go through this in chronological order, Desmond and Penny met after he got kicked out of “Brothah-hood” and he dates her and loves her and her father hates him and that’s all great and grand. But he is a coward and doesn’t go through with his desired future and ends up having to “earn his keep” in the world, enters that race, and ends up on the island. He could have had her, but he didn’t elect to do that.

wp-1475002391477.jpgwho was her fiance? remember when he got out of prison and Charles said she was getting married and then at the stadium Des asked “when is the date?” and Pen says “we haven’t set the date” and all that? i wonder who she was going to marry…

Instead he ended up the island and – through some stroke of dumb, blind luck (or the fact that he’s the true hero of LOST!), he ends up going back in time (so to speak) and enters into his own brain and “tries again” here. But, again, instead of doing what he wants, he backs out and leaves a perfect, possibly happy universe wrecked behind him as he rejects his possible future with Penny… IN THE PAST. Again!

Now Desmond has flashes that involve Charlie dying over and over and over and over again.

wp-1475002393989.jpgwhat if he’d killed Charlie when he flashed back into his own past? wouldn’t THAT have been messed up?

Rather than let whatever happens, happen… Des says “screw you, timeline!” and saves his damn life a billion times over (not before we get to see a ‘flash’ of Charlie’s throatbox getting jabbed by an arrow, though. Try squealing out “You all, everybody!” now, you little sprite!), constantly causing the universe to repair the wrecked up shit Desmond leaves behind.

Now we have Desmond this season. He’s a man about the island. Well… (pun intended). But in the Alt-timeline, he’s once again wrecking the universe. Clearly having “memories” of another timeline is not good. Plus, its quite possible he ruins some good lives. Who can say what will happen when Desmond tells Sawyer that he wasn’t really ever going to to be anything but a lousy conman and also that he never gets better hair than Desmond himself? Good lives ruined. Maybe not the best lives, but good lives. People here live. If Charlie’s world gets corrected, he ends up dead. Is that really better for Charlie?

What about the people that are likely alive but in no way did they get redeemed on the island? Boone, for example, didn’t really have a shitty life or lifestyle, and wasn’t a bad guy off island or on island. Did he have some kinda messed up feeling for his sister? No. No he didn’t. He had feelings for his step-sister. Thats not messed up. Its understandable. Was it a touchy subject to bring up at Thanksgiving? You’re damn right. But not worth getting crushed by a plane over.

wp-1475002396908.jpgkill count: 0 cool points: ironically, 0

Boone deserves to be alive way more than someone like Ana-Lucia or even Libby (the former because she was “not a good person, Ana” and latter because, well, she just wasn’t all that interesting). What becomes of these characters and their lives when Desmond fucks that shit up?

So, at first I thought Desmond was really my favorite character but, in his quest to unravel the mystery he’s stuck in, he would no doubt ruin lives.

But, here’s the deal. All Desmond is doing is course correcting. All the time he’s course correcting. For the benefit of Jacob himself.

wp-1475002400054.jpgclearly not a golfer

The first time he should have died. When he turned the failsafe key in the Swan station, it should have killed him. Without question. But Jacob had a chance to use island power to his advantage and have an agent that could bend (or wreck!) universes. So, the first time he goes back was just the byproduct of being “activated” so to speak by the electromagnetic shiz going on around him. He didn’t realize – at that time – that he had any powers to speak of, and thus stayed on the same path.

In season 3 he course corrects Charlie dying to benefit Jacob. The island was more or less “done” with Charlie, so it was going to kill him. But Jacob needed these people to get off the island for reasons I’ll address here in a moment. So he kept providing Desmond with opportunities to keep Charlie alive until a time that he could sacrifice himself, rather than Desmond dying. This results in the boat coming and the people getting off.

BUT WAIT UP. The boat was going to kill everyone, right? Well, that’s just a nasty side effect. Clearly Jacob doesn’t want just anybody coming to the island. Who knows what would happen, right?


Wait a fucking minute. I just lost all interest in this shit.

Here’s the real deal:

In the opening episode of this season (“LA X”), they say that The Man in Black can’t change his appearance anymore, that he’s simply Locke now.



I cry bullshit. Way to go, LOST writing team. You just derailed my Desmond theory AND showcased – once again – proof that you didn’t really have a plan for this story’s progression, just a start, and end, and likely some filler stuff. You really should have people that love the show be consultants… They would bring to light these inaccuracies.


Added September 27, 2016
I like how this got “derailed” when it was very clearly not going to end up anywhere even remotely interesting or profound. Good exit strategy, Young Skyler.
Having said that, this is a solid read and I liked reviewing it. And look! A zillion comments! Yay!

Facebook – Why you Should Own Both Seasons of Carnivàle

1: Each set is running for $15 at Wal-Mart right now. You can’t get a full season of quality television made after 2004 for that kind of price.

2: The acting in the show is beyond amazing and the characters are unique and well defined. Even those seemingly not integral to the main storyline are interesting and amusing.

3: The soundtrack for the show is also great. Each character has their theme and are all excellent.

4: This guy:
wp-1475000284010.jpghe only speaks forwards in this show

5: (and most importantly!) You WILL be hooked. You won’t say no to this show. That’s for damn sure.

Heck, I’ll even loan the damn series to you. But seriously… $15? If you don’t like the first season, I’ll refund ya the cash.

Added September 27, 2016
No progress have ever been made in seeing this show and its plot wrapped up. Which is a shame. There is so much good stuff going on in this show and the world-building was phenomenal.

Facebook – Final Fantasy Tactics Saved my Life


At the height of an almost unbearable depression not more than a year and a half ago, this thing happened. This thing was Final Fantasy Tactics.

I had rented this son of a bitch back when it was on the PS1, but I couldn’t get into it. It simply wasn’t what I wanted in a game. But the PSP version? It was amazing.


Rather than sit in a sack of sadness (the fabled “Sad Sack”) I sat in the world of Ivalice and fucked up some monsters, armies, and Gods.

I was going downhill fast, and Squaresoft’s amazing game was beyond what I thought was needed to pull me up out of that hole.


I don’t really have a point with this note, other than to say I love this game and that it saved me from thinking the world was pure shit. And to give props to this game that, in hindsight, I feel horrible about having hated and thinking was boring.

Added September 27, 2016
I should absolutely play through this again after “A Link Between Worlds” — except my games are boxed up and I don’t know where my PSP charger is.