Facebook – On the Plus Side

This weekend I came across some new old Hooverphonic in the form of this track, “Sunday Morning” and it is pretty damn great. It’s from the Mag-Tree days, which is great because I really think that was their best moment, musically.


It was on the “Out of Sight” single which, it should be noted, is/was/will always be one of my favorite Hooverphonic songs.

Nothing really to add to this, for the most part, just that the song is great, it feels like a lost treasure I unearthed, and now I’m sad about Geike leaving the band again. šŸ˜¦ šŸ˜¦ šŸ˜¦ šŸ˜¦ šŸ˜¦

Someday – and this means AFTER Hairglow dies – they will have a new singer (who is female! Alex!) who will pull similar vocal punches and I will find acceptable and, thus after I give them the go ahead, they will begin to record new music. Music in which Alex doesn’t sing any of the parts.
Seriously. Alex. Stop singing.

Added September 27, 2016
Someday – and this means AFTER Hooverphonic dies – they will just remove themselves from people’s memories so that, after a decade, they can get back with Geike and record a few “reunion” albums that aren’t great but are a welcome return to form. Albums in which Alex doesn’t sing any of the parts.

Serious. Alex. Stop singing.

Added June 2, 2022

Not quite a decade later, but we did in fact get that reunion album which – as predicted – isn’t the best thing ever but a welcome return to form. Kudos, Young Skyler!

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

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