Facebook – On the Plus Side

This weekend I came across some new old Hooverphonic in the form of this track, “Sunday Morning” and it is pretty damn great. It’s from the Mag-Tree days, which is great because I really think that was their best moment, musically.


It was on the “Out of Sight” single which, it should be noted, is/was/will always be one of my favorite Hooverphonic songs.

Nothing really to add to this, for the most part, just that the song is great, it feels like a lost treasure I unearthed, and now I’m sad about Geike leaving the band again. 😦 😦 😦 😦 😦

Someday – and this means AFTER Hairglow dies – they will have a new singer (who is female! Alex!) who will pull similar vocal punches and I will find acceptable and, thus after I give them the go ahead, they will begin to record new music. Music in which Alex doesn’t sing any of the parts.
Seriously. Alex. Stop singing.

Added September 27, 2016
Someday – and this means AFTER Hooverphonic dies – they will just remove themselves from people’s memories so that, after a decade, they can get back with Geike and record a few “reunion” albums that aren’t great but are a welcome return to form. Albums in which Alex doesn’t sing any of the parts.

Serious. Alex. Stop singing.

Added June 2, 2022

Not quite a decade later, but we did in fact get that reunion album which – as predicted – isn’t the best thing ever but a welcome return to form. Kudos, Young Skyler!

Facebook – This Guy as Cap? = Super-Dumb

wp-1474997722370.jpgImagine him doing “Jim Looks” the whole movie…

…imagine this guy doing “Jim Looks” the whole movie…

I love John as Jim, but I sure am damn glad they threw him off the possible casting list. Ugh. He’s not big enough and no amount of work would make him fit into the role.


Everyone that thought this was a likely and/or good choice was also Super-Dumb

Added September 27, 2016
So glad they didn’t go this route. He’s since bulked up for other roles, but man – not enough.

HM – No Cats Punched, to Date

I’ve constantly used Xanga to unpack and hide nightmares. I have a few new ones.

I hate where my friends are going with their lives. I do. I really do. Because they are places I can neither follow nor tolerate, but I also really wouldn’t want to do either of them.

Add to this the fact that I am angry all the time, right now… I’m becoming a very angry person. Because of a few specific individuals in my life. And the fact that I love one of them despite her stupidity, and I’m trying desperately to STOP loving the other one because of his.

There is that thing people say – “couldn’t care less” – about things. This time its true. I really couldn’t care less about most of these problems. But they are my problems by simple lived association. Horrors and terrors, they are. These things cause me to hate a lot of things.

Also, I’m slowly starting to (finally) get ACTUALLY lonely. Over a year of being “officially” single, now (1.5 years, I think) and I’m just now starting to want that connection back. I haven’t repaired any of the damage done, I don’t think. None of it. I think I’m still dealing with a heart in a jar, burned to a crisp, stomped upon, and kicked around town a few times. I don’t think its even close to being ready to come out of that damned jar. I haven’t even looked at it in so long.

Scared, angry, and lonely. Depressed, then, too. And overworked. So I’ve got tired on there, up on top.

Anxious about tomorrows. I’m always anxious about those, though. So, you know, there’s that. I mean, if you aren’t fearing the future… what are you doing with it?

The past, though, is where the true abominations live. The past is where everything is dead. The past is where dead things can regain life, too. The past is a strange and sick place.

The present?

I don’t believe in it.

Here’s what I can believe in: I will never punch a cat in the jaw. I believe that to be more than true.

Added September 7, 2016
I was in an odd place. That jar, with its blackened contents, rested on that shelf far longer than it had in years. Longer than this post indicates, even. It has healed and is comfortably resting on someone else’s shelf.
Young Skyler, much like any iteration of him, has a penchant to be over-dramatic. I love him for it.

Facebook – Chatroulette = Super-Dumb 1

Tonight’s 11-to-Midnight poll: Pancakes or Waffles?

Waffles won with: 33!!!

Pancakes got second with: 19!

Honorable mention to French Toast, getting 1 whole vote.

Total number of random penises seen: 24

See you next time!

Added September 27, 2016
That I never did a round two is the most damning thing I’ve ever had to realize in my life.

Facebook – Tired = Super-Dumb

After a full day of being out and about with Aaron Jaco, getting things that I didn’t need – but sure as Hell wanted – and putting something together in my home, I am so tired I could just fart myself to sleep.

Instead I am staying up and avoiding doing a number of things I need to do before I go to bed. Like laundry. I have work in the morning. And then a lot of phone calls to make/take/shake/bake/cake. One of those rhymes is a lie.

Hint: it’s cake.


Highly Advisable.

Added September 27, 2016
“Fart myself to sleep.”