HM – Boring but Entertained

I’m watching the first season of Dragon Ball. It is great and magical.

Week one of being back in Des Moines is over. Looking forward to week two because then I’ll actually be doing my job and not going through orientation based junk.

Got a headache today, too. It’s epic in level.

Going to see The Informant! later today, too. And, quite possibly, 9.

Also, later tonight I am going to Silversun Pickups. Should be great.

My name is Skyler Bartels. And, so far, I’m boring but having a great time.

Added September 13, 2016
I like this post because I suggest that I’m boring but I’m going to a concert and seeing movies with friends. Wonders never cease.
Also: I saw Silversun Pickups before they became popular!

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

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