Facebook – Southland Tales: A “Review”


Look at this cast list:
Sarah Michelle Gellar
Janeane Garofolo
Dwayne Johnson
Christopher Lambert
John Larroqutte
Ling Bai
Jon Lovitz
Mandy Moore
Cheri Oteri
Amy Poehler
Sean Williams Scott
Kevin Smith
Justin Timberlake
Eli Roth
Wallace Shawn

Not ONE cast member can help this film. Not one cast member.

The movie tries really hard to have a huge plot plot but fails because it spends so much time being in love with itself. It is a waste of film.

The only good thing about it is the following two things:
-Soundtrack kicks ass
-the WW3 story at the beginning of the film.

After that, though, its just another movie that attempts to be deep and insightful. But really? It is just garbage.

Added September 21, 2016
I can’t believe I made it THROUGH this movie in the first place.
Some of those names surprise me now, though. Amy Pohler?!

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

2 thoughts on “Facebook – Southland Tales: A “Review””

  1. Aaron W. Jaco
    Dude , look at the cast list.
    – SMG
    – Janeane Garofolo
    – Jon Lovitz
    – Mandy Moore
    – Cheri Oteri
    – SWS
    – JT

    You should have known, man. Honestly.
    September 15, 2009 at 7:57 pm


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