Facebook – Fido: A “Review”

What a movie! What a small bit of wonder this is! A different kind of zombie film indeed (still with enough gore to get the job done!).

Fido is a fantastic social commentary on post-war America and the desire to be safe from any kind of harm and/or make the things that can cause damage safe and our own, through whatever means). Think of how stupid it is that we use nuclear power, something that can cause us all such suffering if something simply went wrong. The same is true for this film.

Also, the parallels between the war and the “zombie war” don’t stop there, either. Overall, the relation this movie has to that time period is never forced and the actual story of the film is tight.


They have captured the feel of movies/TV of this time period, too, with the look and colors and the family dynamic. Also, the inherent fears people have of the zombies (also in relation to nuclear war). Some wonderful characters and the like populate the film, too.

This is a fun movie and nothing to balk at. It might seem like a stupid, silly film and in the end you could say that’s true. But you’d be missing the really fun things about the film. And that’d be a mistake.

Added September 21, 2016
I hardly remember this is a movie, let alone that I watched it. But, I guess, this was back when I’d watch any zombie film with average effects/production values. So… It isn’t that surprising.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

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