Facebook – Heavy Metal 2000: A “Review”

wp-1474490068015.jpgWhat’s this guy smiling about??

Probably the fact that he was in a movie I sat through the entirety of for no reason other than to get it watched before Netflix lost rights to it.

This movie is so dumb. The animation at least is of better quality and the voice acting is more than just a bit better. God only knows how I wish movies were still done in real cartoon style, rather than CG stuff. The ability to make cartoons emote in 2D is so much more interesting overall than the ability to make them emote in 3D models. Aside from that, though, that has nothing to do with this movie.

Good gore, kinda. But terrible use of music. Not that the music itself is bad, per se. But it’s just poorly timed. And it, at least, follows one story, making it slightly better than the first film. But, really, who cares? Its just the same stuff as before: gore, hard rock, naked cartoon characters, and a flimsy and poorly tied together plot.



Added September 21, 2016
Though Aaron’s comments are accurate about the original film, the second one is trash and shouldn’t be viewed by anyone.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

2 thoughts on “Facebook – Heavy Metal 2000: A “Review””

  1. Aaron W. Jaco
    took both these movies too seriously, man. all they’re about is campy dialogue, gory violence, just a tease of nudity, and 80s style metal music. in summary, they’re a joke.
    September 3, 2009 at 7:43 am


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