Facebook – King of Kong: A “Review”

No one is quite as big a douche as this guy:

wp-1474484725878.jpgCAPTAIN DOUCHE

Otherwise, here’s the thing about this movie. Dreams are dreams. And awesome. But the winner will always be the person that leaves the dream realized. That’s why Steve is the winner, in the end. And Billy is a douche bag.

This is an amazing and frustrating film due to its level of strain that people go through.

You can make a claim that Steve and Billy are the same… they just want to prove who they are to the world (read: losers), but one person wanted it to prove themselves and the other is simply afraid of losing what they have.

Such is life! This doc. is about life.

Watch this movie for a few reasons… watch it to see scary people. But also to feel better about the world you live in. I can’t explain it past that. But watch it.

Watch it to hate that douche up there. He’s such a douche.

Added September 21, 2016
Despite the fact that this movie has since been debunked (some of the people are portrayed completely different than how they are in real life – surprise! Liberties were taken!) it is still a solid doc and worth a watch.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

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