Frequently Mentioned Truths – Mandango Resurrection

If there is anything I have learned, it is that time moves faster than we’d like.

If there’s any second thing I’ve learned, it is that there is absolutely no such thing as choice.

Combining these things together…

The universe makes perfect sense, and I’ve figured it out, entirely.

But if not for a world unclouded, would we not all see truths, hidden… deep… and triumphant.

Current Location: dsm
Current Mood: complacentcomplacent
Current Music: PT’s “The Incident”

Added March 25, 2016
Well, that last sentence is complete, pseudo-philosophical bullshit babble. I have no idea what I was trying to say. Way to go, Young Skyler. You are a dipshit.

HM – Strange Days

I go to work at 6AM now.

I get up at 4:30AM now.

My life is so strange and crazy, things will never be the same.

Aside from the fact that that’s exactly how it was before… strange and crazy. So it’s exactly the same.

Added September 13, 2016
I liked that timeframing – up early and home early, could shop or jog before anyone else even got home. Was awesome. No rush hour.
Fresno rush hour? Guh.

Facebook – 5 Things to Consider:

1) Vulgar language has its place: everywhere

2) Low cut shirts on women only serve to increase their level of objectivity. And they know it.

3) A child in need is like a starving dog; all the whining and yelping in the world will never change our stance on maritime law.

4) What is funny and what is tragic is only separated by the level of suffering.

5) When all the deforestation ends, either from legal action or the end of all trees, the number of unemployed lumberjacks will skyrocket.

Added September 21, 2016
Post made seven years ago, today!
On these five things: I still think all are true, today. 3 and 4 are the best, though. 4 for the philosophical ramifications and 3 because: goofy.

HM – Boring but Entertained

I’m watching the first season of Dragon Ball. It is great and magical.

Week one of being back in Des Moines is over. Looking forward to week two because then I’ll actually be doing my job and not going through orientation based junk.

Got a headache today, too. It’s epic in level.

Going to see The Informant! later today, too. And, quite possibly, 9.

Also, later tonight I am going to Silversun Pickups. Should be great.

My name is Skyler Bartels. And, so far, I’m boring but having a great time.

Added September 13, 2016
I like this post because I suggest that I’m boring but I’m going to a concert and seeing movies with friends. Wonders never cease.
Also: I saw Silversun Pickups before they became popular!

Facebook – Southland Tales: A “Review”


Look at this cast list:
Sarah Michelle Gellar
Janeane Garofolo
Dwayne Johnson
Christopher Lambert
John Larroqutte
Ling Bai
Jon Lovitz
Mandy Moore
Cheri Oteri
Amy Poehler
Sean Williams Scott
Kevin Smith
Justin Timberlake
Eli Roth
Wallace Shawn

Not ONE cast member can help this film. Not one cast member.

The movie tries really hard to have a huge plot plot but fails because it spends so much time being in love with itself. It is a waste of film.

The only good thing about it is the following two things:
-Soundtrack kicks ass
-the WW3 story at the beginning of the film.

After that, though, its just another movie that attempts to be deep and insightful. But really? It is just garbage.

Added September 21, 2016
I can’t believe I made it THROUGH this movie in the first place.
Some of those names surprise me now, though. Amy Pohler?!

Facebook – The Incident: A “Review”

Buy this album.


10000000000000000000000000 out of 10 points

PS: important tracks include the entire first CD and Flicker and Remember me Lover on CD 2

Added September 21, 2016
My opinion of this album has faded somewhat over the years, but that isn’t much of a slight against it as I still think it is a great piece of music. Its just a shame its the end of Porcupine Tree.

Facebook – …on Nebraska

This was going to be an epic note about my stay in Nebraska, about how – after having spent so much time in Iowa – coming back to this state was initially instilling instant and insignificant intolerance inside my individual. Then it was going to be about how cool people at home and at work created cool and conducive work environments and provided for a number of wonderful social interactions, plenty of time to hang with some choice women, and helped to heal (in the best way possible).

But instead of that, I just want to see two things then move on to talk about this stupid Dangermouse+Sparklehorse+David Lynch album, “Dark Night of the Soul” so let’s get a move on:
1) Nebraska will – regardless of how far I go away from it in life – always be home.
2) Can’t imagine that I will really miss it.


Go download “Dark Night of the Soul” if you can find it. It is an incredible collaboration of music stylings, instrumental aspects, musicality, and – most importantly – magic and wonder (with the grand exception of Iggy Pop’s vomit-inducing “Pain” which, for the most part, should be forgotten and/or tossed into the sun. Along with Iggy Pop).

Standout tracks from this album include “Revenge” and “Jaykub”, along with both David Lynch vocal tracks, “Star Eyes” and the title track, “Dark Night of the Soul” which both provide another chance to hear Lynch’s bizarre and overly-fitting voice.

wp-1474491337065.jpgone of the coolest damn album covers i’ve seen in years

The real treat of the album though (in my mind and not Aaron Jaco’s) is “Little Girl” which contains everything you could want from a song, period.

Aside from “Pain” though, avoid “Angel’s Harp” because it sucks. A lot.

There are so many songs on this album that bring your mind to mysterious places you won’t know how to feel afterward. Like all good things associated with Lynch, “DNotS” contains audible spectacle and the teamwork between Dangermouse and Sparklehorse is paired well with Lynch’s dark dreams.

Worth a listen for anyone. Period.

Added September 21, 2016
From movies to albums… I remember listening to this for the first time on the floor of my old bedroom in Harvard, NE. It was gloomy and atmospheric as heck.
I’m so happy they put on a retail version, in time.

HM – Waiting

I’ll be waiting. I will always be waiting.

Should you boomerang back around… I’ll be waiting.

Should you show up at random, I’ll be ready.

I don’t even know how to describe the joy I will feel on that day, should my waiting pay off.

Added September 13, 2016
Obviously aimed at The Russian, this post sure was grim and suggestive.
Sorry for publicly airing my laundry (and not censoring it upon archival)!