2 thoughts on “HM – The Answer is 7”

  1. By “we” I can only assume you mean you and me.Together, no, we’re not afraid. Because we’ll swallow all the weapons we’ll need in the afterlife and then retrieve them (no, man… it’s easier when you’re already a ghost) and kick any asses that get in the way of our ghoulish conquest.But to actually answer your question for real, none of the above. I’m scared of the combination of pain and incapacitation that comes from a long, drawn out ordeal ending in death. Also (gonna be arrogant here since I’m awesome) causing pain to those I leave behind.Whether you believe in an afterlife or nothing, chances are you’ll end up still existing or not caring about it due to a lack of existence.


  2. I guess it depends on if one believes in a conscious afterlife or not.I would suspect that a person would be fearful of death only if they believe that their afterlife will be judged by the life they had. I can understand that if one is brought up to believe that they will be living in an afterlife based what has passed, then they may be fearful of death because death holds the answer of their final judgement.However, if one believes their being will cease to exist after death, then naturally they would be afraid of not living anymore.To answer your question, my inclination is that most people fall into the first category.


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